Saturday, June 17, 2006

A quickie...

This will be my last post before i head to Muskoka to race this Sunday. Thanks for all your support.

Just to say tonight I had an open water swim with the coach and the gang. I LOVE IT. It was wavey. At first, it felt really ackward. It felt like I am swimming in a washing machine. Then later, I got use to it. The water was dirty b/c the waves was picking up all the crap in the bottom of the lake. It didn't matter. I focus on my strokes and the swimmers around me.

He set two buoys about 300 m apart. We swam around it. Coach also showed us how to get in the water from the beach and jump into the waves (make sure water is up to your thiegh). I was an eager beaver. Just can't wait to go back for more :). We practiced a few times running from the beach into the water. Good stuff.

My legs didn't cramp too much. It almost cramp but I think they will be ok this weekend.

It is midnight now. I got 1/2 of my gears ready. Have a great weekend everyone..i know mine will be excellent.


William said...

Now you've got the skillz!

Chris said...

... to pay the bills! Haha! I'm such a dork.

Sorry that I haven't been around much, Cliff. I feel really bad about not keeping up with everyone.

I hope you have a great race tomorrow! Looking forward to the race report! :)

Rae said...

Awesome!!!! Good luck tomorrow, you are going to do GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Have a great race Cliff!

Mike said...

Keep it rolling Cliff- Looking forward to the race report!

Nic said...

Good luck, Cliff! Have a great time. :)

Kewl Nitrox said...

Have a GREAT race!

Hilda said...

Stange place to swim, good you can enjoy it :P

I imagine you right now in the middle of the race! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!