Monday, February 06, 2006

The packages are here....

I am in Clif Bar Heaven!

Note: No Clif Bar and Clif Bar products are harmed, abused or damaged (except for the one that I err Hommer ate).

They ain't all for me. I orderd five boxes of Chocoate Chips and a big shot Mocha bottle. The rest belongs to my friends. Now I am asking right the Clif Bar diet. :)

On another news, there is a14th Annual Competitor Endurance Sports Awards dubbed as "The Academy Awards of Endurance Sports", take a look at the pics here. I have no idea the people who in the pics are but boy do they look nice :D.


Trisaratops said...

Hee hee!!! Homer looks even more excited than he gets for his donuts and beer. :)

Joyce said...

lol! thats cute!

qcmier said...

Mmmm clif bars...

So what's in the bigger box?!

anners said...

what?? if Homer ate my Clif bars, he will pay dearly...

Anonymous said...

That is quite a stash you got there.

Tammy said...

Too funny! As long as they aren't Carmel Apple Cobbler Clif Bars, it's all good. Otherwise, Homer would have some competition.

As for that link, yeah, so fine lookin' folks there. How come we weren't invited :(

William said...

Nice Cliff. Now you are all set!

Anne said...

If that big box was full of Clif bars, you should be set for the rest of the year! What else did you get?!

Born To Endure said...

dohhhhhhhhhhh I love Homey!!! those are cute pics of him and it seems like he might be liking those clif bars toooo much..:-))

Boris' Dad said...

this really made my day :)

Sixteen Chickens said...

Chocolate, did somebody say chocolate?

Emily said...

great photos!

Robin said...

Your Bart photos always make me laugh :)

it's only fuel said...

Love it! That's very clever Cliff!

Stephania said...

This is funny!

Mind my ignorance, but what are Clif Bars??!!

Stephania said...

This is trippy, but I thought "anners" was YIFAN. The pic kinda looks like her, don't cha think?

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

And I thought Homer only got excited over beer.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny Cliff. Mmmm, I'm craving a Clif bar now.....

Rae said...

Ha! Those pictures are hilarious. Can you imagine if you did eat all those at once! Whew!

Bolder said...

hilarious Cliff!

very creative.

thanks for the big smile!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »