Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Xmas...

I am going to do this quickie blog before I head to bed.

This morning woke up at 4 am. I was watching Anne of Green Gables till midnight last night. I only had 4 hours of sleep. Yes I blame Anne of Green Gables...her and her blossom friends (or kindered spirits) must have got to me. is actually quite a good movie. I think I am getting too sensitive. I watched it back in Junior High. Some of the scenes were beautiful.

I have been to the island where the story took place (Prince Edward Island). It is amazing. Peaceful and quiet. I am going to go again next year at the end of my season to unwine (and have seafood [oh so good there]).

Just to summarize my training for today:

8:40 am - 10:00 am - drills until my left wrist hurt when i twist it
10:00 am - 11:30 am - workout..oh I am so weak....
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm - one leg bike drill while watching Band of Brothers (oh so good)
8:10 pm - 9:40 pm - more swim drills since my hand doesn't hurt anymore

It was good. I really enjoy the zipper switch drills. Just like golf, when u get that perfect stroke, you want to do again and again. I can't wait until tomorrow.

I dropped off some toys and canned goods at a homeless shelter. I figure this is the least I can do. They were in need of bus tickets so I got some for them.

I am very fortunate to have good health, good family and well at least stay warm and have enough to eat. I know a lot of people out there are not as well as I am. There is always some sort of inner peace when I volunteer. I always believe in giving others a hand b/c that's what Jesus command us to do. Also the fact that someday when I need help, I would want someone to do the same.

All in all, today is a good day. No stress. No rush rush to do this and that. I just do what I want to do. Merry Xmas everyone. I know I will.


Kewl Nitrox said...

Wow, you are a MONSTER. Your exercise schedule is a challenge to us all.

William said...

What a day!

Keep up the good man! You're helping those in need and it will be more rewarding to you than them.

Have a good Christmas Cliff and hope to train/race with you in 06!!!

Nancy Toby said...

Merry Christmas! Thanks for being such a great blogger and commenter!! :-)

D said...

Merry Christmas Cliff!

Anonymous said...

I am new to this blog thing and thoroughly enjoying your endeavors and others'. Read another post earlier, and here I am complaining about not getting out and you shovel snow on your way out!! Good job.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Merry Christmas to you, too!

*jeanne* said...

Merry Christmas from me and Little Bill in our matching REINDEER ANTLERS!

Tammy said...

Merry Christmas Cliff! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love that you watch anne of green gables for christmas. that's why my sisters and i used to do when i lived at home.

merry christmas!

Rainbow said...

I love that you love Anne's story. Have you seen Anne goes to war? Nytro says its not as good, but its o.k.

Okolo said...

A day late, but Merry Christmas.

CJ said...

That was one heck of a training shedule you did there!

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Sounds like your swimming drills are coming along just fine!

Ellie Hamilton said...

And that's what Christmas is all about, friends. I like your style, Cliff. I'll remember it for many Christmases to come.