I am in pain. I am in a lot of pain. The calves, left hamstring, right butt cheek, right bicep, right tricep, shoulder. I can't turn my head left without pain.
Yesterday was the ultimate workout. I went snowboarding. I picked up the sport last winter. It is a lot of fun. I love snowboarding b/c once u pick up the basic, u can go fast or go slow down any slopes (steep or gentle). My friend, a very good skiier, took me on all the diamonds and double diamonds.
Yup, there is a lot of humuliating momments (quite funny). One time I was sliding on my behind. I thought if I can catch my board on the snow, I would stop. I tried and I flipped over and start sliding on my head. I didn't lose any tooth in the process :). I also give the new meaning to the term tree hugger.
tree-hug·ger (trē'hŭg'ər)
n. Informal.
An environmentalist, especially one who supports the preservation of forested land and the restriction of logging.

We got there at 1 pm and hit the slopes till 10 pm. It was amazing. I am starting to carve left and right. I wasn't able to do that last winter. I have improved :)
Snowboarding is like training (or anything in life). I am not a natural (natural falling and make myself look like a fool? YES). I just fell a lot more than anyone out there. I thanked my friend for taking me to the harder slopes. That's the only way I learn.
My xmas has been a blurred. From Sat till Mon, it is like one big day. I did spent sometime with my relatives. Went to my friend's Baptism on Sun. I have bought everything I need online. Three mp3 players (me, mom and dad) and a FM transmitter (for my sis' ipod). Yeah we are a mp3 family :). I got more reading materials.
My training schedule is off the last four days....will pick it up after I am not as much pain :).
Awesome! I have always wanted to try that...I have skiied a bunch, but never snowboarded...
My son took me once. I was so sore I could barely walk the next day. I am an expert skiier so I thought this would be a snap. NOT!!! I would not go again with out a helmet. Assuming of course that I would ever go again.
At least the pain reminds you of good times snowboarding. BTW, thanks for the feedback on the coaching.
glad to hear you had a good week-long day!*
It sounds like you still had fun snowboarding! Good to know that no permanent damage came out of the fun. I've been snowboarding once in my life, about 5 years ago, I can't imagine what I'd be like now! Terrible I assume...Happy Holidays!
You're brave! Snowboarding looks SO hard! I am a terrible skiier. I just snowplow the entire time, because I am scared to break a leg! But it sounds like snowboarding is a good workout.
Enjoy the sore muscles, they mean you worked hard... or fell hard. Either way you got out there and did it! I'm proud of you, way to go!
Sounds like a blast! Hope you feel less sore soon! I tried it last year for the first time ever--it was sooooooooo fun but let's just say I made a fool out of myself no less than 18 times and my hands were bruised purple from falling so much! :) ha ha
i would love to learn to snowboard, but was under the impression that the older you get, the harder it is to master. i was also under the impression that it leaves your body hurting like hell. i guess i was 1-for-2.
Hey what MP3 players did you buy?
Where did you go snowboarding?
OMG.... I am such a tree-hugger!!! I had a pro friend give me lessons, and I kept trying for 3 years. Finally threw in the towel and sold all my stuff this past spring. Concussions are bad! It's weird... I get scared and slow down too much. I'll take my road bike going 50mph down pavement, but strap my feet to a board and put me on snow... no way. doesn't make sense does it? Oh well.
Good luck! Can't believe you are on Double-D's your second year! Wow.
I want to try that! You make it sound so fun! Hope you had a nice Christmas!
This season I am going to have to get on a board. It has been 2 or 3 (or 4 or 5) years since I've been on a board, but it is so much fun. (I do ski every season)
As for learning, the first coupld days are painful, but then the learning curve is very short.
One time, I was boarding at Snowbasin, the host resort for the Olympic Downhill in 2002. They have the fastest downhill course in the world. The Olympic guys were going over 100 MPH before they made their first turn. I had to give it a go. I rode the lift up, wich they have an employee in every car warning people of the steepness. They instruct that only expert skiiers and sliders are permited on this run. I quickly dismiss it as just a scare tactic. I made my way to the run and stopped at the very top before heading down. It was so steep I had to get on my hands and knees to look down. I felt like I was on a steep clif. I launched myself off the clif, made a couple successful turns, then caught an edge. I started sliding and was never able to stop. I slid down the entire run on my stomach. I tried to dig my board in with no luck. When I stopped at the bottom, about 5 minutes later, literally, there was a crowd of people cheering for me. Now that is embarrassing. I know how you feel buddy. Take care
If I have extra backside-padding... does that mean I'm created to be a snowboarder, too? I thought it had something to do with being adapted to biking...
Awesome! Sounds like you had fun. I tried it once (and only once) - too embarassed to try it again. You are a brave man!
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