Saturday, March 10, 2007

Here we go

I am going to miss my bikey. That's for sure.

Hmm..not much else....just been packing and stuff. Flight leaving at 10 pm and I am pretty much done packing. There is not much I need to bring.

In a way, this is good thing that I am heading back. A time to reflect and think about my career and my next move.

In the past few weeks, my motivation to train has been shot. And I don't like it one bit. I can feel my attitude to train becoming more medicore.

I am glad I met up w/ Darren yesterday. It was great. Have you ever swim next to a fish? It's amazing. After I done my set, I took a look at how Darren swim.

Just talking about Ironman get me back into the game. He told me my swimming has improved. I don't swim swiggly and more straight. So that's a good sign. I swim 1,500 m in 38 min. My average 1000 m is 20 min last season. So my swim fitness had gone down.

With warm up and cool down, I swim a total of 2,000 m. Not much for you fishies out there. I use to get tired by the volume. Now my arms were not tired at all. I want more....All I want is to have a lane for an hour. Keep doing long sets. Hmm..can you say 6 sets of 400s? or 7 or 8? :)

We also talk about nutrition and my infinit formula is too high. The sodium is 539 mg. That's a lot. No wonder why my stomach is giving me trouble. Dial that down and I am pretty sure my stomach will be fine. I can't test that until I come back.

My foot is healing slowly. I follow RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevation).

I was talking to William yesterday...perhaps the injury is related to the stress I am facing..hmm.... a few more hours I am heading to the airport. I just hope I can find a decent pool to do some swimming in Hong Kong. Better finish packing. Thanks for all the encouragement. Talk to you in a few days.


Ellie Hamilton said...

Hong Kong, I am soooo envious...

Unknown said...

Have fun! Enjoy time with your family. And if you can find time to swim, do that too!!

Trisaratops said...

Safe and happy travels!

Habeela said...

Wait! Did I miss the part where you told us you were going to Hong Kong? Regardless, have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Cliff, I hope your trip is "all that"!

Bonbon said...

Yo man, don't worry about us...Just enjoy your trip! Whatever we face, we face it as a group.

Robin said...

I don't know who William is, but I DO know how stress can physically mainfest itself. ...interesting...