Sat, I woke up at 4 am for no reason at all. Since I am up, I figured I might as well start my long ride.
I tried the Spinervals 26.0 The Hardcore 100. This is a 3-DVD set with 5+ hrs of riding. My plan was to do a 4 hr on the trainer so I didn't do the whole set. As the video loads up, they have a warning stating that you MUST finish the program or else Coach Troy will come and leak the air out of your tires. I hope he comes up to Kanada.
There were a group of crazy people from all shape and sizes riding in the video. There was one zealous lady that waves and give a 'V' hand signal everytime the camera was on her (heh, I don't think she was as zealous after the third hour mark). There was a yellow jersey guy with a white bandana that likes to point to the back and smirk. If you have this video, check one of the guy in the back row. I swear he had carbon wheels on his trainer. Maybe carbon make u ride faster indoor as well.
Coach Troy makes you do a set of repeats between big and small gear. There were some sets where he would made us ride hard. I just drop the cadence and focus on keeping my HR in check (zone 2, 154 HR and less). I love the big gear b/c I get to grind below my threshold. I can see this will pay off big time this season around.
What's amazing is that off the bike, I felt great. Looking at last season's long ride, I rode way too hard.
I am calling my coach soon. Teehee. He actually planned a 2:30 ride. So I just rode a bit more...but be serious now. 2:30 is not even a long ride. It took me an hour just to warm up. He told me don't ride more than 4 hr b/c that's suicide...I do plan on do the whole Hardcore 100 from beginning to end. That's right. 5+ hr on the trainer :) I bought it, I might as well use it.
I don't consider The Hardcore 100 as hardcore. It is more of a long 5+ hr stretch softcore.
I also tried Infinit Nutrition on Sat. This stuff is really cool. You go on their website, plug in how much sugar, sodium level and other stuff (Protein, caffiene etc) you need and they customize it for you.
My formula is 276 calories and light on the favour. No protien, no caffiene. Now I don't have to deal with gel and gatorade and all that stuff. One drink. Keep it simple.
I had some bloating issues when I ride. I suspect it is either the bagel with cheese I ate before the ride or I am taking in too much calories. Will continue to dial in.
Here is my week's workout.
Jan 29 - Feb 3
Mon - rest
Tues - Bike 60', Swim 55'
Wed - Run 40', Bike [LT test] 40'
Thurs - Bike 50', Swim 60'
Fri - Run 60'
Sat - Bike 240' (4 hr)
Sun - Run 90'
Total - 11 hr and change. Nothing fancy. Just plugging the hours and loving life.
Have a great week of training!
I have used the Hardcore 100 for a number of times now and like it.
I also noticed the guy with a white bandana who keeps pointing to the back row. I was assuming he was pointing to the older gentleman who I find to be very impressive. He keeps rolling along for the entire workout.
Dude - you are a machine. 4 hours on the trainer - there ought to be a medal for that.
Well done!
Thanks for the DVD review.
Great week of workouts, Cliff. Keep on rolling...
WHOA! That is a serious hardcore workout. Nicely done!
I am most impressed with a 4 hour trainer ride. That takes some serious mental toughness
Tell Coach Troy you have a bike pump. Nicely done.
Five hours on a trainer spinning is just insanity!
(Or that's another way to way I am a wimp and could never do this!)
oh, hey. Catching up on everything here. How did your LT test go? I have an indoor cycling class 2 x week with a coach and we did LT test last week. I found out my zones in watts and HR. It was my 1st time and pretty cool. My zone 2 HR is between 124-150. Yesterday we did a coached ride at my upper LT zone (190 watts). I never sweat so much...even running! hehe Question for you: How do you label your posts on Blogger? My friend does it, but he uses a different program, not Blogger. Is this a new feature?
I couldn't imagine spending 4 hours on a trainer, never mind 5.
Are you sure no protein is ideal? Your carbs intake is fastest if there is protein included in the mix, in a 4:1 ratio, I think.
That long on a trainer is definitely hardcore. Sounds like you're getting into the swing of things and gearing up.
i'll have to trust you on the hardcore 100 - i don't think i could ever spend that much time on the trainer - i get bored way too easily.
Good job!!
This morning I tried swimming with fists...that was quite challenging, but a great work out!
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