Do you know what I just realize? Biking is really really good. It is. Really really good.
The sun was out on both days. It was still chilly and windy. It's still good.
On Sat, after helping a friend move, me, Pat, Donna and Jen went to Ashbridge Bay to ride around. I rode with them for about 2 hr then when they headed back I rode by myself. It was really windy (E 30 kph/18 mph). With wind like that, I would have paddle hard to keep moving. But I was riding with ease. I could feel the wind. I ignored it and focus on my stroke. The training is paying off :D.
My stomach was having problems. Usually I get hungry during my long bike ride. I felt bloated and full. For a sec, my stomach wanna hurled back out the stuff I put in. No good. This was half way during the bike ride. I backed off on the gel and just took e-load. I guess this was a good way to test my ability to adapt in a real race.
I finished my ride and put on my runners. This was the first time in the year doing a brick and it felt good. The legs were heavy but I kept a good pace and a good form. I had to go half way and was running to a bathroom. They LOCKED IT up. Nuts. So I gotta scuttle to a restaurant and do my business there.
Sun, I was planning to do a early run with Anner before heading to Church. Woke up late and ran around my area instead. The stomach was complaining again so I walked for 40 min. After taking a leak, I felt much better and force myself run back home. I figured, if this was an Ironman and I have this type of problems, would I walk for 42 km? I sure hope not.
I took a bike ride in the afternoon. It felt really really good. I mean really good :). I have no solid fact to prove but hills where I would climb out of saddle last year, I just paddle my way up. Good stuff. Riding 20 + mph in aero is the best feeling.
Took a quick swim afterwards.
In conlusion:
Sat - 240' bike + 15' run right after
Sun - 100' run/walk + 100' easy bike + 15' swim
My body is really getting use to going long now. It ain't as sored as I thought it would be. Next weekend I planned on pushing it more. As we know, motivation goes up and down. I am hoping I ain't pushing too hard that I get burnt out. But with this low intensity. It should be fine. I am trying to add more social aspect into it to make it more fun.
Tonight going to sleep early and get some solid rest. 8+ hr should be good. Lastly, checked out that pinky toe :).

battle wounds suhweet!!! Great job this weekend Cliff, hope the stomach was just a fluke.
Visible exercise wounds. People are so proud! You just better hope none of your viewers have a foot fetish! :)
Awesome weekend. Hope the stomach settles down.
Nice that you were able to make some adjustments and deal with the digestion issues during the bike- that kind of mgmt will come in handy during Ironman. Sometimes it's hard to process those calories if you are pushing a good effort or not taking in enough water!
Cool that you got your brick in too....I was planning on doing a brick on Saturday but wussed out big time!!
Awesome weekend! Great push!
Lots of weekend miles. Sounds like it was a great weekend!
And I'm totally there with you. High speeds in the aero position is a total rush. :)
Truly a sign of a serious runner - nice battle scar there! :)
Took you long enuff to realise it is all about the bike. :D
you have the most glamourous manfoot i have ever seen* hahaha
it's all about the bike.
why can't people just acknowledge it!!
this was a great bike post, until i got to the toe shot.
so close, so close...
You had a productive Weekend Cliff! Nice! Ouch - on the pinky toe blister.
I had near the exact same thing on my index toe(?), the one next to my big toe, apparently during and after ironman and ended up losing the of course grew back but was quite gross when the thing actually popped off.
ooooo, battle wounds!! Hahaaha
Ugh, not a pretty picture when you're eating dinner. Hope it heals soon.
Nice you are enjoying so much riding, I am becoming more and more curious about a long ride!
Colorful toe! Does it hurt? Other then that, it sounds like a great weekend.
Agreed, the bike is the best.
And dude, looks like you dropped something on your toe. Ouch.
Great job on the brick!! And congrats on the black toenail, you've earned it! =)
All your hard work is paying off with a little reminder on your toe! Keep up the good work and hopefully your toes don't show objections.
I never have troubles with my toes. Should I be jealous or happy about that?
ah the infamous black toe. Wait till they fall off two at time.
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