I tried to justify what went wrong and I can't find any. I just stayed up later than I should. Bummed around watching tv and slept at 10:20 pm. Plan to get up at 4:45 am. Got up at 6 am. Go to the community centre by 6:20 to do my long run. Need to get back by 8 am.
On the way there..the mind is talking me out of the run..
"You know you suppose to do a 2:30 run, now u are running an hour short" "Yay, you can bike for hours but u really need to get your run in"
"Why are you driving over to the community centre? You can just run from home." (Smart ass, the mind does have a point here. Too late now thatI am half way to the community centre.)
"Ok, so you are doing a swim tonight before Bible Study/prayer night. Why don't u switch it around and do the run tonight?" (won't work...no time, either i cut my run short or i go to Bible Study late.)
Then I thought about what Wil was talking about on the last GYGO. She said something along the line "you don't negotiate with what you are passionate about". No negotiation. It seems that for the past month, my life has been a negotiation. Gotta to hang out with this group of friends b/c I haven't seen them for a while. Gotta do this at work b/c the boss asks. So on and so fourth. And the result? A short fuse Cliffy.
When I become negative and cynical, I know something ain't right. This is like my mind telling me something is wrong.
So..no negotiation. Got out and did the run.
13.8 km in 1 hr 20 min ~ 9 min/mile. That's not too bad. My HR is 160. I tried to keep it at 150 but I couldn't. I focus on running tall. Wore the 1100 I mentioned yesterday. I had left knee pain (sharp pain) at 12 km. Other than that. No biggies.
My route end with going up a very steep climb for about 250 - 300 m. I ran part before during my tri training last summer. I was expecting for the worst. To my surprise, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The training has been paying off. My HR spiked to 180. No biggie. I finish the climb and ran for about 200 m before stopping. I just want to see how my legs react to running after the climb.

So now I have some numbres to work with. This is great. B/c I am going to start my Build period soon (right now I am week 2 of 4 in my Base 3). There are a few hills I have been checking out where I live. Compare to what Bolder and Roman scale in Boulder, the ones in my area are like ant hill. But around here, they are the toughest I can find. Can't wait till the Build period.
For now.
My LT ~ 175 HR (base on the test taken back in Dec)
140 HR = 12 min/mile (Zone 1)
150 HR = 10 min/mile (Zone 2)
160 HR = 9 min/mile (Zone 3)
I want to do another LT test like I did in Dec. This will give me a more accurate measure of my LT. I doubt it moved since I haven't been doing anything heavy during the base period.
Oh yeah...decided to get a new comp at home for dad. Gonna split the cost between me and my sis. So no money for bike fit. Will get a fitting maybe later in April (or in May).
There you go, set your priorities straight :)
Way to get that run in...just tell that negative person in your head to shut-up!
Way to go to get it done. That's all that matters, in the end!
I hear ya about the tv. I used to have that trouble, until I found something better to do (anything, really!). Now i'm IN bed at 9:00, and sleeping by 9:30-9:45 every night. Wake up at 6:20 every morning. Even the weekends. It's woooonnnnderful!
The TV is a black hole, dude! It steals time away. Like Professor Dumbledore (Harry Potter) says, "Always be wary of something that thinks for itself." Yah, I still have my fav shows, but now I tape 'em and watch them when I can. :)
Do you want me to give you a wake up call at 4:45? ^^ I get up at that time when I do my morning runs too!
Go go on the run! I need to get my bike fit, too. Probably not till end April now, either. And I would also like to get that LT testing done...need to find out who does it in my area. I'm not sure how, but I know having that info will useful for training. I need to get the Joe Friel Triathlete Bible book. I hear it is very good. But one thing at a time right now for me. Thanks for your comments....tomorrow I go to the ortho. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow. THANKS.
Solid Cliff- going from possibly skipping the run to throwing down 1:20! Fighting that inner demon imploring you to take the easy way out is a constant battle...it just gets easier to ignore after you keep it rolling for awhile- you are doing it!
awesome stats. Don't be so hard on yourself. it's all about enjoying it. the hardest part is getting out of bed. way to stick with it. i think life is all about juggling and multi-tasking anyway so it's all a bit of negotiating in a way.
Great job getting your run in! You're getting faster, too!
When I wake up late the whole day goes wrong, but it hasn't happened in ages fortunately.
Nice to be able to measure your LT, that's more specific, your numbers don't seem to be to be related to your age...
i think your dad will love his new gift! is it going to be a surprise?
good on you for getting out on the run. I am struggling with the morning thing. And have been doing a lot of my workouts in the afternoon or evening.
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