One of the reason my old comp is dead is b/c of a failed hard drive. I have about a month worth of training and nutritional data in there. NUTS!! There is some personal stuff on there too. Gone is gone.
[Updated: W00t!! Just fixed the problem. Will is a smart man :-D.]
I have been conversing with Brad Seng. He is a pro Ironman. He is also a Christian as well. I asked his advice for Ironman racing.
Advice for IM racing....PATIENCE. Sounds simple, but I have found this to be the biggest key with my development in Ironman racing. While it's not always easy at times, staying balanced and patient will pay off on race day. Don't fall for the lure of comparing yourself to what others are doing with their preparation and putting yourself in danger of overtraining.
I am expecting some new insight. But Brad give me a simple one.
I have been looking at my training and now getting the feel what works and what doesn't. I have learnt to become more realistic about time. If I go to bed after 10, don't expect to wake up at 4 or 5 etc. This morning after doing Isolated Leg Drills on the trainer, I hit the pool. The planned was to go for 20 min swim before going to work. Shoulders are still aching. I got out 10 min afterwards.
Since my job right now is pretty quiet, I am re-reading the Triathlete Bible. I am not a very organize person. It is time to become one. I am entering into my Build Phase. I am going to start doing the exercises he listed out in the appendixes. I can't afford a coach yet. But I really need to take the training to the next level. By this I don't mean just intensity and duration. I mean a solid training schedule that I can work with and look back.
I am seeing the swim coach on Mon. Let's see his comment on my kicks. Hmm....tomorrow, take half day off for consultation on getting an implant and then go ride...they say there is a chance of thunderstorm...still riding :)
That's very good advice. Be patient, train smart and you'll achieve all your goals! Unfortunately patience is a hard skill to learn LOL. Especially for folks just starting out.
Keep up the great work mate.
That's not good about the computer! I hate when I lose all my information too...I also try and tell myself patience is good...I can't always wait though!
I'm feeling your pain with the computer. Just after I finished my undergraduate degree my computer crashed taking my entire college career with it except, THANK GOODNESS, my honors thesis. But I'm sure it will be replaced with a more awesome machine!
i wish i was more organized. it would be a lovely thing :) For now I muddle through all right though!
Thanks for the reminder to go get a backup hard drive. It has been on my to do list for too long.
I just backed up after a scare this weekend! What is it with computers this week? Arg! Hope it's better soon! :)
Cliff, great to hear that things are coming together for you. Just one point of view to think about...I know everyone nowadays are all about "oh, I need a coach", yada yada yada. I can see the point of a coach that is more about teaching you correct technique and giving you information, but if you can't learn what works for you on your own then how will you ever truly know yourself? I for one don't like the idea of anyone telling me what to do with my life, my schedule, or my training. I have a bunch of teammates who are more than willing to give me as much advice as I can stuff into my brain but the only person who can truly know you is...YOURSELF!
This is just one man's opinion, I may not be that great at what I do but I enjoy it more than one man ever could.
Just my 2 cents. Train on!
Glad to hear you saved your data! I have an external HD with over 100 GB of music...it would be painful if that thing died -Need to back that up real quick!
Some great advice from Brad- hard to practice with all the uber-athletes posting their crazy workouts out on the net! Stay focused Cliff.
TB is a big book. Admirable goal to re-read.
We all learn the value of backups the hard way - you're not alone in that respect.
As for not being organised - don't try and change too much, use your existing strengths to your advantage rather than trying to act like a different person.
Cliff - sucks about the computer. I'm glad you were able to get it resolved. Have a great weekend.
So, Cliff, what IM are you doing?
One word Cliff...backups. I don't do it nearly often enough but I've learned the hardway to make copies of stuff I want to keep around. Ya just never know when a hard drive might fail.
Where did you find it? Interesting read »
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