In two nights I have breezed through "It's Not About the Bike" by Lance Armstrong. It is too

As you can see from the picture, it doesn't look like a hospital at all. This is the new section (well it was new ten years ago). They really take care of the kids. During my stay there, the nurses and doctors never told me I had cancer. They just told me I was sick and I had a tumour. It took me a long time to realize tumour = cancer.
I remember there was one kid that had a liver transplant as well. Not only a liver transplant but he had a kidney transplant. In fact, the doctors put a third kideny in him. He was very sick. Sadly to say I don't think he made it.
Cancer is a horrible disease. B/c of my quick and healthy recovery, I never give too much thought about it. Not until now. And I am glad Lance Armstrong wrote the book.
It is a horrible disease not b/c it kills quickly. It drains your emotion. It strains the family and friendship. The solution is just as worst. When Lance was talking about the chemo, that was horrible.
I start to think of how I can contribute back. I was telling my friend that I want to create my own shirt that says "Cancer Free Since 1991". On the back it will say:
Cliff - 1
Cancer - 0
Cancer - 0
I will give this much thought. Right now thinking of creating Cancer Survivor shirts.
I was with friend a few months back and she made a comment that I will never forget. She said that she doesn't understand how cancer can be so bad. My first reaction was shock to hear that. But then, I agree. I didn't said anything. I didn't shared. That's what I want the shirt about. I want to really get people talking, get very personal.
On another note, b/c of all these late sleeping, I woke up late on two days and missed my swim drills. Will pile those on Sat.
Tammy, I have taken down the word verification...if there is a lot of spam popping up i will put it back on.
DGC, I like to read anyways. I am surprise people like to read my poor writing skills :D.
Susan, I will let u know about the Paleo Diet. If I turn into a cave man....;)
Have a great weekend, people. I will be training (SWEET).
Get after it this weekend and have fun!
v. cool shirt idea Cliff. I want one that says Cancer Sucks. YOu should do an event with a cancer society for sure!
Glad you're here Cliff and cancer lost.
Have fun training this weekend.
Lance's book is the kind of book that once you start reading you can't stop. Glad to hear ya whipped cancer. I to would like a Cancer Sucks shirt.
Its a great read.
I would imagine that you, as a survivor, can do just about whatever you please about raising cancer awareness. If we're smart, we'll listen...
Great T-shirt idea. I think Lance's books are excellent resources for anyone to gain a better understanding of cancer and what it could entail ... and how you can prepare your offence ... should it ever come kocking.
Thanks Cliff, this was a very moving post. I love the shirt idea!
Good idea on the shirt Cliff. I have an idea. You should make theh shirt say" Me-1, Cancer-0". that way, other people that have survived cancer can wear the same shirt. Perhaps you can sell it on a website or something. Just an idea.
Hi Cliff! I just read your post. I like the shirt idea. And Just saw Iron Benny's comment--EXACTLY whatI was thinking. Great minds think alike (heh). Well, almost exactly. I would keep your short to say Cliff-1 and then make one for everyone else that can say Me-1! PS: I used to tecah ESL back in the day. Your writing is fine! :)
oops! I meant to say "Shirt" in my above post! Heeeey: maybe when your done with the shirt, you can make some nice tri shorts! hee hee
Writing personal and sincerely, can never be boring.
Many things to learn of you.
Thanks Cliff!
Very inspirational post! I want a Cliff t-shirt! :) I really need to read that book...
I am also reading "It's Not About the Bike." I love it. Makes me want to conquer life.
Plus I'm curious about the Paleo diet. Been wondering about it for a while, need a guinea pig :-)
Sounds like a ministry/calling, Cliff! :)
Hey Cliff check out you could start on the T-Shirt idea right away! I'm excited for you!
great idea about the t-shirt Cliff.
i can NOT believe you finally got to 'It's not about the bike'... have you read 'Every second counts'?
it's about survivorship, which is what you are all about, and my favorite part of Lance's story.
anyway, least you now know where i got the inspiration for my post: 'It's all about the bike'... you know Lance is my hero, but, i gotta call it like it is for me.
Yep excelent read and a good idea about the shirts
I think the shirt is an awesome idea! Your experience has been amazing - you should be proud that you kicked cancer's a**!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Good idea on the shirt Cliff... glad you are enjoying the book. :) Thanks for killing word verif. I haven't had a single spam comment and it's been... a month I think. :)) Of course, now that I've said that....
I love your shirt ideas. I've been thinking about buying that book and now I'm definately going to get it. Thanks for the recommendation, keep up all the GREAT workouts!
Got to go with Me 1 Cancer 0. My little one is a cancer survivor(wilms tumor). I would definitely get one for him. By the way, did he win or God win?
God's Grace :)
Great book! I loved it and I'm not even much of a reader. It must be that much more personal to you with personal experience with it. I'm glad you're still around to share your story with others.
Great shirt!
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