I have bought:
- It's Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong (I think this one is self explanatory. Cancer change man, come back and win Tour De France 7 times..the usual :D)
- Every Second Counts by Lance Armstrong (the other one seems to be more about his personal life. I hope this one give more insight of how he comes back and dominate his competitors)
- Wild At Heart by John Eldredge (someone from my church recommended it. Something about men in Church need to be wild...you know what that means...run around grunting, scratching and belching :D)
- Terry Fox, His Story by Leslie Scrivener (my personal hero. Had cancer, lost his leg. Decided to run across Canada to raise money..truly truly touching....he ran a marathon everyday for 30-40 days on one leg...incredible)
- The Paleo Diet For Athletes By Loren Cordain and Joe Friel (Paleo Diet for Paleo man :D...hmm..the main idea is we are eating too much griany food than compare to our ancestors... basically less grain and more veges from what I gather)
I have also bought a Yoga DVD. It is call Yoga Conditiong For Athletes by Rodney Yee. I had borrowed a yoga video from the library that was also by him. It wasn't very good. It was too fast. Upward Dog, Downward Dog...I was so confuse.

I love Rodney Yee's "Yoga for Athletes" and it's the only yoga video I've ever liked or recommended.
Excellent choice!
Quite a good selection of books there.
Being a Nutritionist I’ll resist on lecturing on the pitfalls of the Paleo Diet – give it a go and see what you thing …. But don’t be to rigid with it
I talk about Lance mucho, but Terry Fox was my first hero, and I think the greatest canadian ever.
Cliff!!!!!! Read this:
It's a review on Wild at Heart, apparently a lot of the book is biblically twisted to suit the author's need!
On a side note, Reading is good. :)
Those two books by Lance are my favorite all time books! Hope you enjoy them.
I want to hear about the paleo diet!
Let us know if you try it!
Hey!! Don't forget to work out!!! Looks like alot of reading to me. Good Luck!!
I also loved your quote on preaching the gospel. What a better world we would have if more people lived there life this way. Sometimes it appears that the entire world is ME ME ME and to heck with everyone else.
i heard some garbage a while ago about how Christians shouldn't do yoga because it opens up the body to vulnerability and Hindu spirits. hmmm.
i actually fell for it, and gave people a hard time about it.
after some thought, i realized that, 'no, you're just stretching'.
but when some people add in the chanting and mantras, etc, i become suspicious.
That's a good topic. B/c yoga can also have mediation portion. The DVD I got focuses specifically on sports related. There ain't no chanting or mantra.
A good discussion for Fellowship indeed. :)
cliff - benny and i have yoga for sport with rodney yee. i'm pretty sure he's not human and is made only of jello and elastic bands. no one should be able to bend like that.
we love our yoga nights with rodney!
Ooh, the Terry Fox book looks great! Thanks for the reviews. Lance's books are great. The first one (It's not about the bike) is more about his triumph over cancer, and the second has more about his training and racing. Some of those racing stories gave me goosebumps, and I'm not a cyclist by heart!
Cliff, Wild at Heart is the best book I've ever read. You will love it.
Those look like great choices, I think I will even try the DVD!
Please always include this kind of info here... you have great choices.
Fortunately internet exist and I can buy them there, internet is the best thing!!!!
Ooooh-thanks for the reading and yoga recommendations! I needed some!
It's not About the Bike is a great read not only for those who have cancer but for anyone who is sharing the journey with someone who has cancer.
It's Not About The Bike is an amazing read. Loved it. I am reading Between A Rock And A Hard Place, the story about Aron Ralston, the backpacker who performed his own amputation on his hand. Also a good read.
Another good one is One Man's Wilderness by Richard Proenneke.
Enjoy your reads!
hey, saw you on the runnin room :)
those look like great books! lance and terry are truely motivating!
I once had a group leader practically tell me i was going to hell if i tried yoga lol... and here i thought stretching was good for you :) have fun reading!
never heard of it
never heard of it
want to read it
never heard of it
read it
read it....
Looks like you'll be busy for a while Cliff! We expect book reports in the near future!
P.S. loose the word verif... It's making me crazi(er).
I read an article on that Paleo Diet. Not for vegetarians is all I have to say. I'll be interested in hearing about each book as you read through them. Do you feel the pressure? All the bloggers waiting for your reports - time to read! Have someone take a photo of you while doing those Devil Crunches and post it. I'm sure the bloggers will let you know if they are sexy or not...lol. Have a great weekend.
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