Do you guys have any dead time? You know, the time where you just bum around doing nothing productive. That might be flipping the channels, or web surfing and what not. Lately I have become very conscious of my dead time. I make every effort to stop them.
Ever since CMS has started the No Limit challenge, I figured one thing I can do is kill my dead time. This weekend I feel I have been very successful at this. Today after Church and lunch, instead of taking a nap and lazy around, I cleaned my room. Then did the laundry and head for my run drill. Got back, changed and went to workout. Then went to see Joseph's presentation on his recent mission in Mexico.
This might have to do with the increase amount of sleep I have been getting. Both Sat and Sun I have slept for 10 hours per night. Not too bad.
I have been lagging in my swim. I admit it. This is the week I am starting my Base period. It is time to really get things down. I guess there is a part of me that doesn't want to hit the pool. Then again, if I don't take my chlorine bath, I will able to learn how to swim. I will be getting a consultation with my swim coach soon. I took one of his lessons back in mid Dec. Greatest achievement was learning to kick. Now I have to learn how to swim far.
I am also very excited b/c once I get my aero bars and set them up, I am going to take my bike for a fitting. I am putting priority on my to do list. This is compel by the editorial written by Tom Demerly (click here). I won't be getting a tri-bike yet. At least I can do is get me comfortable riding in aero bar position. Also the fact I want to make sure I am comfortable for those long rides.
Side note: The b-day banquet I went to on Sat was great. I bumped into a university friend which I haven't seen for two years. Even better was that they served salad. I don't know about you but my eating habit goes out of sync during weekends. This is b/c of the social outings I go. Work keeps my eating habit in check. I just do the same thing over and over. Anyways, I also thank God for everyone staying away from the borrocoli. I was munching like there is no tomorrow ;).
This week No limit everyday. Let's push the training to the top.
I finally went swimming today. It felt great.
I don't consider myself to have much dead time, although my husband would probably say that reading tri blogs is sort of non-productive. ;-)
You can't have every minute of the day be hyper-productive, though. That way madness lies. At least some of your day has to involve productive rest, like writing to friends or reading the news or a book.
I think I have a lot of dead time. Maybe I'm getting abducted by aliens...
The Clif blocks are GOOD, by the way. I tried some at Walt Disney World Marathon.
Well, I really just stopped by to say, "Hi!" (E!!ie sent me)
OH I AM THE SAME WAY! I can eat great on weekdays, b/c I have a schedule. When I travel for work, or on weekends, forget it. I am working on this, though. It is tough.
Good job on killing "dead time". :)
Glad to hear you are going for a fitting. It will save so much guess work! I think fit is still the number 1 consideration in the bike. You know I will surely ask this so.. what aero bar did you get? :)
Hmm.good point guys. Dead time does not equal to rest time. I guess i should schedule specific rest time or take them when I need to.
Hi Cliff! My husband loves that you use the Jet Li picture from Hero for your blog photo, by the way.
ANWAY, dead time is a HUGE problem for me. Glad to see you tackling it. I'm going to try as well.
Ooohhh, the cursed dead time. It's so incredibly addicting too. Soon the minutes become hours and before you know it, you haven't done anything productive all day.
I'm going to be working to reduce my own dead time as well!
you get it. You absolutely get it. Good job.
Finally got around to some dead time last week, it was nice!
Great job with the sleep! That's something I need more of.
You and I are on the same wavelength today Cliff. As soon as I got home I started cleaning the house etc.
I did allow myself a few minutes to read some blogs though ;)
every time you say aero bars i want chocolate!
hmmm...dead time. I don't think that applies to my issue. What is it called when you should be doing ONE thing, so you do everything else in the world except that one important thing. Oh yeah, procrastination. :P
I eat better on the weekend because I can plan stuff. My school schedule is all over the board, so it's tough to eat at the right times. Although, our cafeteria does have very healthy meals, so that's a bonus!
Interesting thoughts on dead time - its definitely worth thinking about
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