Hey all, I just want to say this weekend was absolutely the best. Was there anything different? Not anything particular. I am generally a negative person but this weekend I have this sudden urge of positivity and happiness (yes rainbows and butterflies..that kind :D).
The question is how am I going to keep this up? I am going to try everyday write three things that I have accomplish. Those little steps that I take toward my Ironman training. I hope this will force me into more outgoing. As silly as that sounds, I need to FORCE myself to be happy :D
This week:
1) My run drill is paying off. Today I was able to maintain 90 RPM for 15 minutes with a mid 150s HR. For a while it dropped to low 150s.
2) My bike drill is paying off. 90 RPM is easy and I will be slowly transit to the next gear. I am able to handle the drops with no back pain.
3) Swim..I am so close to getting to the swimable form. I am still breathing too hard. Kick is the problem. On the pull buoy I can go for hours and go smooth. With kicking I have to get into the groove. Gotta find that sweet spot.
I have this coming week to prep and I will be hitting my Base 1 period. From the look of things, I can do less drills and more cardio to build the base. Will see how my body perform this week.
Today at church, my friend Jenny was telling me how I smell like chlorine. She seemed to be concern. She told me, "Cliff, it's hard to get rid of that smell you know." I didn't want to say it out but back in my head I am like 'that's right. That's the smell of success....orr i mean sinking.' It clearly means that I have been hitting the cholrine bath enough to take that stench (to replace my own stench??). Jenny's comment is the biggest compliment I received for a long time. (Other than the one where my friends beg me not to be seen with them in my spandex shorts).

I am celebrating the fact that this week I have hit every one training I set out to do. I only miss one yoga and one swim session. But the most important trainings (long run, long bike, long swim, two weights, two run drills and two bikes drills) I have accomplished them. My body is handling this very well. More importantly, my mind is able to handle it. It ain't easy. But it is doable.

Lastly, do you have any time saving tips that you discover? I know as triathletes, some of us are mothers, workers (ok who here doesn't work [home taker consider as work too]), friends, families, social obaligations....we are stress on time. I know I am. I want to post them on here. Like a random tips on the side of the toolbar.
My time saving tip is getting my lunch ready the next day. Everyday I come home from work, I will stuff two bananas and three clamatines in my lunch box. It is simple but it saves a lot of stress in the morning when I rush out the door.
After a swim session, I would take my swim shorts and towel to dry. I rotate my towels so I put the second one in the bag. Then I am ready the next day, just grab the swim shorts and dump them in the bag. I got an extra pair of swim shorts (the ones that chlorine chew up 99%) just in case i forget.
My other time saving tip is to live with your parents and have mommy make meals for you..BUT i know this doesn't apply to 100% of the tri/runner readers here :)
Have a great week.....I have been reading Paleo diet....i need to understand more about nutrition (just genearl nutrition, how the body works)..this is getting interesting and I have a load of questions....
I'd love to hear more about that book when you read more!
It must be in the air or something this weekend, but I am a pretty negative person these days too... but today it was one of those "great warm fuzzy, great to breathe in the fresh air" kinda days :)
Your time saving idea is great! I'll be watching out for it (I just made my lunch for tomorrow - not so much for timesaving, but i eat so much better when i prepare it all ahead of time)
Hey Cliff, good going! It's important to be HAPPY in the Lord, because He calls us into confident dependence on Him (Hosea 12:6). :)
That's fantastic progress on the run, bike AND swim. Kudos to you!
On time saving, my rule #1 is "Put the important things first" - i.e. prioritize. Do the important things first so they don't get squeezed out - this applies to QT as well as training: Have key focus areas per week and prioritize the week's training so that if something has to give, you know you won't miss the key training sessions.
Have fun!
Do you have fins for kicking drills? One of our Masters workouts each week is fins only and it's helped a great deal with my kick.
If you want to find out more about nutrition in general i can recomend the book
The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition : How to Eat for Maximum Performance
by Anita Bean
ISBN: 1592282903
To save time: #1 for me is turn off the TV. :-) I can't force myself to turn off the computer, though....
time saving tips??? looks like you've done the first and that is a schedule then sticking to it. That would make me nervous. Too sporadic...
I was going to ask you how to invest time!!
As you do planning ahead all what you have to do, when and for how long, saves time.
In fact I think time goes so fast because we want to do so many things, so just have to fit them all.
And as Nancy says, I can't turn off the computer.... this take time!!
Aww Cliff, you did it, you drank my beer! ;) What am I going to do now?
Good job on the goals and the positive thinking!
If you find a way to kill that chlorine smell let me know, I've got it bad. :)
I'll say it takes alot of discipline just to be an athlete, but a triathlete, oh my! I don't know how you guys do it on top of the normal everyday things....pretty cool.
Congrats on meeting your goals! That's fantastic...
Dude, we do the same things: lunch, towel, etc. Anything that buys me a little more time.
What is it with your lunch menu though? Yikes! How about a nice sandwich or some peanuts? :)
My time saving tip: Write it down. Make a list and cross things off. It's a good day when nearly everything is off the list!
And, I *love* that smell of success, what a great attitude!
Time saving tips? Yes, I have LOTS.
If I ever get a digi-cam I will take pics of my Exercise Rack where everything is stored right next to the door.
Everything from Gels, advil, running, cycling, swimming, etc for on the go.
The other thing is like you said. The second I walk in the door tonight, I will be packed for my run tomorrow night. It's the first thing I do when I come in. That requires a vague idea of what I will be doing tomorrow but works for me.
Time saving tips? Yes, I have LOTS.
If I ever get a digi-cam I will take pics of my Exercise Rack where everything is stored right next to the door.
Everything from Gels, advil, running, cycling, swimming, etc for on the go.
The other thing is like you said. The second I walk in the door tonight, I will be packed for my run tomorrow night. It's the first thing I do when I come in. That requires a vague idea of what I will be doing tomorrow but works for me.
You hope that positive feeling is going to last - exercise generally makes us happy.
I have to admit I'm very sceptical when it comes to the paleo diet. Personalyl I think it's just another fad.
1. Butterfiles & Rainbows, huh? Well, that is GREAT! Try to keep them flying around you as long as possible.
2. Guess what? Call me weird, but I actually LIKE the smell of chlorine.
3. Time saving tip: Mine is like yours....I get my swim bag ready the night before. I also keep extra shampoo and soap in there all the time, so I don;t keep having to transfer.
(I need to implement this lunch tip...)
Congrats on the goals. Some days getting organized is 90% of the battle. My time saving tip? I'm a packrat, so my gym bag is full of doubles of most everything. I remove things as I use them; wet stuff after a swim etc. The bag is a little full some days, but I never have to wonder whether I brought a pair of socks.
I fully approve of the cheesecake diet...
Beer and cheesecake together? Please tell me I misunderstood!
Maybe that's why your bloodwork comes back so good. No nasties want to stick around for that combo!
Way to go on hitting the weekly goals and being positive!! Attitude is half the battle.
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