My sister is right. She knows me better than anyone else. She once told me, "Cliff, the only way to motivate you is to kick your ass"
And last night I did. Ever since I started CMS' No Limits Challenge, whenever I feel weak, I told myself "no limits" and get back to doing what I need to do.
Yesterday I hit the pool. And to my surprise, I can swim. I didn't swim long or far. But I CAN SWIM. The water felt different. My body felt different. My hips wasn't sinking no more. I wasn't wildly kicking no more. I have no trouble with my breathing. I am getting enough air. SWEET.
Thanks a lot guys. I did my own pyramid last night. Swim 1 lap, 30 sec rest, 2 lap, 30 sec rest, 3 lap, rest, 4 lap, rest, then go back to 3. After that there was about 13 min left, a part of me want to go now to celebrate. But then there is only 10 min left, why do a long swim and not waste the time. I swim 5 laps before heading to the shower.
It's great to kick my ass.
There was another guy who was learning TI as well. We spoke a bit b/c we were the only one in the pool doing all the TI drills. As we were talking, there was a gentleman kicking wildly in the pool. Splashing everywhere. He snickered and pointed at the gentleman and said "this is what you don't want to do." At that moment, I felt the need to be humble. I am sure I got pointed at and laugh when I first swimming. I for sure won't appreciate if someone did that to me. Now why would I do the same to someone else. What if this person hasn't gone to the pool for 10-15 years and just started again? What if this person want to do a tri? With that attitude, I don't think I am being very supportive. I just made a nod and continue my swim.
Things have been busy over here. I really need to get my resume finish. It is taking too much valuable training time. Tonight I will hammer it out.
awesome job with the swim...i'm the same way kicking-ass-motivation wise...
Way to go, Cliff Swimmerman.
Nice job Cliff! Sisters are priceless aren't they?
Yay! You got back in the pool! And you even talked to somebody, you are making progress!
its so nice to put together a good swim technique.
Great attitude, Cliff.... I feel the same way.
And good on you for experiencing swimming zen... whatever that is :)
The sensation of acomplishment is so nice!! Congratulations and just go on, the good workout is paying off!!
awesome job!!! way to kick ass! :)
Good job with the swimming and good luck with the resume. I have to do one as well.
Sounds like you're making some good progress in the pool! Nice work!
way to go :)
it's not always easy to be humble, but it's good of you to have thought about where that man was in his training :) maybe you can even help him someday :)
good luck with your resume!
Congrats on the swim! That breakthrough was right around the corner, wasn't it?
It is clicking for you! YES!
Excellent! Its such a great feeling when swimming comes together because it is such a technical activity. It took me forever to actually feel like a swimmer - it was so frustrating. And if anyone had laughed at me I think I would've given up. So you did the right thing.
Cliff, dude, I just thought of you on Nancy's blog...
I just remembered about the Donald B. Summerville Olympic pool in The Beaches... and I wondered if you knew about it?
50m long my friend, outdoors, i'm thinkin' ten lanes if i remember right...
you swam there yet?
Great job on the swim!! You never know, it may have been that guy's first time in the pool!
Good job on the swim! I'm planning to hit the pool tonight.
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