Friday, June 26, 2009

One foot in, one foot out

This picture was taken at Guelph Olympic Tri last Sun. This is Cliff's patented speedy riding position. One foot in and one foot out. The wind was blowing from the left side and the foot on top of the shoe improves efficiency by 5%.

Note: This post maybe fictitious. Reader's aware.


Anonymous said...

You are such an innovator!

CR said...


Richard said...

Hey! You're coming down under! Gold Coast is just down the road and you'll be racing on the ITU world championships course! Let me know when you're coming down and I let you know about some of the sites and highlights!!


ShirleyPerly said...

If you were Macca, everyone would probably be doing it soon ;-)

Unknown said...


Rachel said...

Awesome! Set a new trend! Sounds like you're doing great. Good to see.