Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Post Marathon Analyst (by the numbers)

I have some images and will write up this marathon shortly. As any one who finishes a race, we are obsess with the numbers and the breakdown. Of course, me too.

Here's my overall stats:

Chip time: 3:39:25.0
Pace: 5:14 min/k
Category place: 42/115 - woohoo, no longer in the 50 percentile
First 21 km: 1:52:16
Last 21 km: 1:48:14
Last 12 km: 1:02:50
First 30 km: 2:37:41

Darren ask:
...was wondering, how 'spent' were you
on the last half? Did you find the last half VERY difficult? Did you have anything else left in the tank?

My reply:

Here's my breakdown of the pace.

My goal, 3:45 = 5:17 min/k

First half, running at 5:20 min/k. Total time 1:52
Last half, running at 5:09 min/k. Total time 1:48

By 30 km, my right quad has a slight sore every time I take a step, my left feet was slightly hurting.

Based on my HRM, the last 10 km I ran a 52 min (5:02 min/k). That's the fastest pace I had in the whole race.

My max HR is 175 (mid Z3). Avg HR is 166 (mid Z2).

Last 10k, max HR is 174, Avg is 171 (low Z3).

I do not know the exact number but I figure the earlier portion of the last 10k I must have been running sub 5 min/k as I was dying on the 3 km up on University Street at the end.

Fatigue level, my quads were shaking after the race. I had to keep my legs moving to keep them from cramping. Can't sit on the ground at all. So I figure i push myself pretty hard. I found the last 4 km very very hard. It felt like I was barely moving. I forgo the last water station (39 km) b/c I had trouble lifting my arm up for water (on hindsight, I should have taken it).

4 min negative split.

If I ran this pretty hard and I got a 4 min -ve split, I figure this means my pacing was very good.
If I have a bigger -ve split, that means I run the first half too easy.
If I have a +ve split, then I ran the first half too hard.

..though in my mind, I am thinking I can run a tad faster on the first half.

...there is a few more thoughts on my end. Though, I want to go fast. At the same time, i think i need to put in more 20 milers in my long runs to get my body for the last 12 k push.


SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Sweet negative split!!!!!

Michael said...

Again, congratulations. Enjoy this time and don't think too much.

Unknown said...

One of these days I'm going to negative split a race.

Good job!!

Anonymous said...

Well done!! (I know I said it already. But I mean it sincerely!)

brendaj said...

Wow, great job!!!