Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bin Brook Tri

Did the Binbrook Tri on Sun.

Here are the numbers:

45th overall
Time: 1:44:11
Age group placement: 7/15

Swim time (750m): 19:04
Swim place: 98
Pace per 100m: 2:33

T1: 2:01

Bike Time (26 km): 51:03
Bike place: 47
Average km/hr: 31.7

T2: 0:44

Run Time (6.5 km): 31:20
Run place: 27
Run pace min/km: 4:50

Here's my experience...


Crazy as always. Sun in the eyes. Murky water. Crawl back to the shore. I haven't done any open water swimming this season.


I noticed the skewer of my front wheel wasn't secured in the first 5 km. Had to stop and fastened it. The good thing of having a slow swim is that you can catch up to a lot of people. A lot of "on your left" (when you are passing someone).

I saw Matt 1 km ahead of me during the turn around. I took off my bike shoes before the dismount line. That saved a lot of time.


Just go. First two km was brutal. The sun was out and I was keeping my legs moving. Heavy legs from the bike. No big deal. I slowly reel in behind Matt.

I was behind him for a few hundred meters. As I caught up behind him, I was breathing really loud. He must thought someone was breathing over his neck :).

I ran with him for the next two k, we kept it steady. He talked majority of the time. I have nothing to speak. In fact, I cannot speak anything as I am merely trying to keep up and focus on not passing out.

With two and a half k left, someone from my age group passed me. Matt suggested I chased him. I took off (slowly). The last stretch seemed to go on forever. The run was all on trail. I enjoyed it.

Run to the end. Done. Can't catch up to the age group runner but I did passed two people in the process.

Fun in the sun.

Overall time wise I think my body can go faster. Pace wise, I am about as fast as my first tri three years ago.

I am glad to see that as the race goes on, my position gradually improve (98th out of water, 57th off the bike, 27th fastest run etc). 4:30 min/k ain't fast. But the run seemed to be my strength. I had been doing a lot more hill running this year around.

With Half Ironman Peterborough, I need to get in shape. Quite busy at work right now. Mon and Tues has been running and biking. Body bounced back from the tri pretty well.


Oldman said...

sound like you had fun anyway... thanks for stopping by my blog and remembering me!

Anonymous said...

Improvement is always good to see!

anners said...

Good job Cliff. hey, if you're so strong on the run, how come you haven't beat my marathon time yet...hahaha j/k ;)

ShirleyPerly said...

Your improvement in the placings look like mine :-)

I was not sure people used bike shoes on sprint tris. I've only done one and did not but that was before I knew how to ride with clipless pedals and just rode my old MTB. Was thinking of doing another one with my tri bike but bike segment is only 8 mi and I'm thinking I'll probably lose more time putting on/taking off bike shoes in T1/ T2 than if I just rode with running shoes and cages as I did before. It's a pretty flat bike course and I don't know how to put on/take off bike shoes while riding or dismount my bike while it's still moving. What do you think?

Brent Buckner said...

Sounds like a good day!

Darren said...

Yea! That's what it's about Cliffy. Going out and giving it 100%! Nice job on the run!

Phil said...

Hey Cliff - Congrats on the race. The bike and run are strange distances for a sprint, making it a bit tougher. Good thing you noticed your skewer! -- don't want to lose any more teeth.

Comm's said...

Good job Cliff. Use the sprint as a benchmark for the rest of the year. I especially like the :44 T2

Rachel said...

Nice job! Sounds like you had a solid race.

Michael said...

Congratulations on the race, well done. I was a slower swimmer too and it is always fun catching people! All the best this summer:)

Rae said...

Way to go!! It sounds like fun and a great training experience!