Friday, August 31, 2007

Three Weddings and A Funeral Marathon.

I just signed up for Toronto Marathon (Oct 14th). In Sept, I have three weddings to attend. As you can imagine, my Sept is packed.

I have mix feelings about training for a marathon. My longest run since Ironman Lake Placid was 30 min. My right quad still had a slight fatigue.

What I do look foward is the 3 hr long runs.

The Toronto Marathon was my first marathon in 2005. I finished in 5 hr 17 min. On the website, it said 98% female passed me :). I was running with a girl and she was tired and I ran with her to the end.

In Lake Placid, I ran a 4:44.

I plan on doing more hill repeats at a lower heart rate. Love the hills.

Toronto Marathon is not necessary hard. The last 21 km (13 miles) doesn't have much hills. I figure if I train on hills, the actual race will be easy (or easier).

I bought a pair of roller blades and started learning. Boy, is it a tough sport :). I can't brake or turn :D. A slow descent and I land on my butt :D

I hope everyone have a great weekend. In Canada, we are having a long weekend.
I will be running, blading or biking.

Let the training begin!


brendaj said...

I tore my MCL 13 years ago trying to learn to have fun but be careful! :)

Anonymous said...

Wear your protective gear on those blades Cliff!

Brent Buckner said...

Loved rollerblading.

Watch out for muscle imbalance. Building your outer musculature can pull your kneecap out of line for running.

Tri-Dummy said...

Go for it!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're back in the game!

Rollerblading - I have a pair, and it is hard!! I like it better in a rink than outdoors. I wish I used mine more. Have fun with that!!

Mike said...

rollerblading!?!? Be VERY careful brother fell on some rollerblades several years ago and really tweaked his arm...we're talking several months of physical therapy and a beautiful arm sling!

Make sure you have a 4leaf clover and a lucky rabbits foot in your pocket when you strap on those things! A few prayers never hurt either ;-)

Steve Stenzel said...

GO - hit the road!!

Rachel said...

No rest for the weary!

Thomas said...

I guess we expect some more photos with some of your teeth missing, if you really want to get into roller skates.

Good luck with the marathon. Your fitness should still be goof after all that IM training

qcmier said...

Yeah the Toronto Marathon is supposed to be flat and fast. I thought about running it. Hope you can squeeze in some running between all those weddings. And let's hope there's no funeral. =)

ShirleyPerly said...

I think rollerblading is actually safer than cycling on roads. On a nearby bike path, I occasionally see a small group skating together in a single file line in perfect synch drafting each other. Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

We need a youtube video of you learning to roller blade! Have fun with it!

E-Speed said...

be careful with those roller blades! I almost took out a tree when I tried those things!