Friday, May 18, 2007

First Day.

Just give a brief update. Today first day at work. Just a lot of learning. Coworkers are friendly and energetic.

Today I took a second rest day. I had to lead a Bible study and decided there won't be time to test my running latec threshold. Going to do that first thing in the morning..

Something quite funny I saw on my friend's blog...

There is an article discussing whether lobsters feel pain.
Additionally, an independent study funded by the Norwegian government found that the nervous systems of lobsters are too simple to process pain.
I still remember how I got the idea of doing an Ironman. It was the night before my first triathlon. I saw the distance on the Internet. I biked 180 km before so I wasn't worry about that. I figured if I learnt to run a marathon and learn to swim, put everything together..bam I can do an Ironman. I didn't care about the title or anything. That was two years ago. Ignorant Stupidity at its best.

My nervous system is too simple to process fear...I got a feeling me and my large marine crustaceans friends have a lot more in common than I thought.


Boris' Dad said...

LOBSTER FEELS NO PAIN!!! it isn't emotional enough to process it!! hahahaha

cdnhollywood said...

But were they delicious? :P

Rae said...

I want to be a lobster!!

Congrats on the new job!! Best wishes!!!!

TRI Vortex said...

Did I miss something? What job did you end up getting? What are you doing? Professional stripper for Ironman? What?

brendaj said...

Cute analogy

Anonymous said...

Glad you have that first day under your belt!

Donald said...

Good luck with the new job, Cliff.

Moby Dick said...

Lobsters are cool. Funny post.

Moby Dick said...

I tagged you for a meme. I am not sure what that is, but I got tagged and I had to find five interesting blogs. You are tagged. You are supposed to tag (post links to) five other blogs that you like.

Good luck in your new job and training.

Unknown said...

I'm kinda' wishing I was the lobster right about avoid the pain...

Kewl Nitrox said...

WOO HOO! First day at WSI? Glad to hear it is shaping up to be a role made for you. :)

Lobster feels no pain? Sounds too much like an excuse for sashimi lovers!

Rachel said...

Congrats on the new job. Maybe the lobsters have the secret. You have such a great philosophy on life. You will do awesome at Lake Placid. I'm absolutely terrified about this IM race (AZ) I signed up for in '08. What was I thinking?

Robin said...

Congratulations on your FIRST DAY! I was is in NH for my tri team's training weekend! Hope this week goes well, too!!!

Growing up in the "Ocean State" this lobster conversation was a frequent one as a kid, whenever my Dad boiled them.....