A few years ago my friend told me about his plan to write his own business book. I told him without hestitation that it will not sell simply he didn't have the expertise in starting a business. I am such a great friend huh?
He wrote it anyways. It sold a few copies to those who knew him. And that was that.
At least he knows where that went.
What surprised me was that after all these years, our friendship continued to grow. He is coming to IMUSA willingly and been to most of my races (and my photographer).
Last Fri, a sister from my fellowship was not feeling well. My schedule was to hit the pool. I put that aside and spent the afternoon in the park with her. I could always swim later (which I did).
The US Marines have a fundamental belief. They never leave another marine behind. Not even on the battlefield.
Just knowing someone willing to stick by you can have such an uplifting effect. And this is the belief I want to live by.
Whenever I speak, am I encouraging or am I not? Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?
Training wise, this week I am taking it easy. From last week's training, I could feel a deep fatigue in my quads. My left knee had a strange sensation when I was doing track workout on Wed. This is a sign that it is time to back it off.
My weekend's training, 7.5 brick (5.5 bike + 2 hr run) and a long run the day after is a bad idea. It is asking for injury.
As for job hunting, this week I had three interviews (AOL Canada, Employment agency and WSI Internet Consulting). With WSI, it was through my resume dropping. I am surprise results are coming up already. Let's keep at it and see where it will go :)
Good post, geat reflection.
Congrats on the interviews! Being in the GTA region, there should be a lot of opps for you there. Don't forget the startups - they're amazing for experience. And if you ever need a resume reviewer, let me know.
Good work on the job-hunt!
You seem to be doing well in seeing to your own needs; for sure that helps in having the resources to support others.
That definitely is one monster brick you have planned.
Good luck on the job hunting - that is not an easy task.
I do admire the fact that you did not hesitate to put someone else's needs above your own. But I don't think it's appropriate to compare the support of a Christian group to the US marines, whose job, in the end, is to kill people. Don't take that as a personal criticism though, please.
Good job on recognizing to back off the knee.
That's a good obesrvation and a link that I did not thought about...
I have to give some thoughts on that....should Christian be part of the army where its role is to kill.
A good friend is willing to drop the urgent for the important.
You got the right priorities Cliff
Wow, your brick makes me exhausted just thinking about it.
Best wishes with the job hunt!
Good idea to listen to your body. I hope our interviews go well!!
Great philosophy!
Good luck on the interviews!
Wow Cliff, great news on the job prospecting....keep it up!
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