Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Two Worlds

This is what most people see Hong Kong as...

Apartments are built in rows..not much choice when there is a lack of land.

People everywhere. This is taken weekday in the afternoon..can u imagine the weekend when everyone goes shopping??

This is what I experience for the past week...

Went hiking last Sat...6 hours in the mountain. The right side is a wall of an abadoned village.

Hong Kong has a large amount of hiking trails and mountain to explore. I love it.

Tomorrow, my dad and I are going to another island. Thurs, my aunt is taking me to go hike another trail.

I have been training on and off for the past week. I ran an hour yesterday. My foot is healed. Today I swam 2.6 km. The kids were taking lesson beside me. To them 2.6 km is nothing. They were doing laps after laps. They are right. 2.6 km is short.

My normal day is go out, explore the city, come back, eat and sleep. Life is good..Hiking and walking around the city does a lot on the legs. I don't have the bike and route to go long rides. Talking with my aunt to find out there is a place that rent bikes. Going to keep on swimming and get the volume up.

Last note: I haven't spent any time with my Grandma. Why? I am cramping her style..that's what she told me. She is like 'Cliff, you don't play mahjong' Asked her to go eat dinner last night and she said no...ha. What can a grandson do? I just have to be persistent!


ShirleyPerly said...


Those hiking photos look awesome! So glad to hear your foot has healed.

I used to play mahjong as well as this other japanese card game called hanafuda when I was young. Both basically involve just matching tiles/cards, similar to poker and gin rummy. I think if you just watch folks play for a little while, you can pick it up. Or, perhaps your Grandma can teach you? That might be a good way to spend time with her. Keep trying!

Rachel said...

Amazing photos. I love the hiking pics. So lush and green!

momo said...

wow, cliff, its so beautiful there. i lived in korea for a few years and i know the rows and rows of apartment buildings. its crazy the number of people that live in the cities.

glad you're getting your training in and getting a chance to spend time with family. enjoy!

Comm's said...

can you take a picture of what an apartment might look like. ARe they small?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Cliff! And way too funny about your Grandma. Stick with it!

And good for you keeping your training on track.

Runner Susan said...

Wow, those pictures are amazing!

Tri-Dummy said...

Your Grandma is a crack-up!

Brent Buckner said...

Cliff, I suspect that just trying with your grandmother counts for a lot!

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

LOL! You're cramping your grandma's style? Sounds like a feisty lady.

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Wow - awesome pics! Way to keep up the training!

Mike said...

Nice pics Cliff- glad Hong Kong is treating you well. Hiking is great aerobic training too- I had a coach once who incorporated a ton of hiking in the winter...seemed to work very well for his local athletes. Your legs will thank you i'm sure- keep it rolling!

Phil said...

Sweet pictures. Looks like good times.

brendaj said...

Great pictures...makes me want to visit again. I missed HK on my last few trips to Asia.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos, Cliff! I would love to visit there someday.

E-Speed said...

you are cramping grandmas style? She must be a fun grandma. She probably just wants to make sure you enjoy your time in Hong Kong.

Rae said...

What beautiful pics!!!

Your grandma sounds like fun!