Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Weekend and training summary

Just want to say thanks for the encouragement and comment from my last post. I will reflect more about it....

Let's start off with last week's training (Feb 5th - 11th)

Mon - off
Tues - Bike 60', Swim 0' (planned 60', bailed work-related)
Wed - Run 60'
Thurs - Bike 60', Swim 10' (planned 60', ribs were hurting, I called it off)
Fri - Run 40' (palnned 55')
Sat - Brick 170' (2 hr bike + 50 min run)
Sun - off (snowboarding at night)

Total hours - 6 hrs + change

I can't say this is a good training week. Work has been piled on and I need to manage my time better. I am start using my palm pilot so I can plan my week ahead.

Funny thing about the rib hurting is that this is from snowboarding two weeks ago. I felt nothing until I got in the water. Everytime I pull with my right arm, the right rib hurts. After 10 min, I called it off. There is no need to make it worst. I swim this morning, it felt better already.

The brick on Sat was a learning experience. Heart rate wise, I was staying within Zone 2. I spent a lot of time grinding in the big gear. When I got on the run, I felt nauseous. Either I am taking it too much calories, not drinking enough water or I am working too hard and it shut off my stomach. I didn't really run. Spent a lot of time walking and sipping down water.

Paranoid creeps in. What if I have the same problem on Ironman? It will be a long day..that's for sure... Then I realize this is why I am dialing my nutrition now. I rather blow up on training than on race day.

Went snowboarding on Sun night. My friend's ski pole hit his glasses and shattered one of the len. God must be with him b/c the broken lens miss his eye. He got a few stitches. We stayed at the hospital for 3 hours before they let him out. Nurse was saying that if it wasn't for his glasses, he would lose an eye. Called him up last night. He seemed pretty good.

Side note: On the way back home from the snowboarding, we stopped off for McDonalds. It was 3 am and nothing else was open. I had a Big Mac combo and 5 min after eating it, my stomach was complaining for the crap I fed. Woke up the next morning and felt like I had a hangover.

When your body runs on premium fuel...don't lower the standard...it will whine and complain...


Comm's said...

you are so right on the McD gut. Don't lower your standard too much there. A big mac not wise, a double hamburger probably okay if you can't get chicken.

Ribs are long to heal. Take it as easy as you can, the more you try to work through the pain the longer it will take. Trust me.

Brent Buckner said...

Insufficient salt can be another nauseating factor.

All the best dialing in!

Robin said...

Ah, Cliffy: Yes! You do all the nutrition tests now so you KNOW ironman race day. You got it!!!!

Seems like you got the Big Mac aftermath, too. About 3x/yr I do it, too, and afterwards I wonder WHY I did it! Yuck! Phooey! Totally gross!

And, if I remember corrcetly, I think it was YOU I read about last year with the Snowboarding... having the hills give you a real sore butt! Am I remembering correctly? But it was a fun time, of course! Wow, I have been reading you for a while now, I guess. Will be fun to meet you at LP!

Tri Swiss said...

We have 158 days to work it all out!! See you in Placid or maybe in the hills of Caledon?

Bullet said...

The Big Mac story is so true! That's hilarious. I've experienced the same thing. More encouragement to stay away from them! Hope the work situation is getting better.

Kewl Nitrox said...

I must have REALLY low standards. My body feels alive after a Big Mac. ;)

You are absolutely right - better to get thru all the "problems" in training than in the race. Could be just a "pace" thing - I get nauseas if I push too high a pace/intensity.

William said...

Double and triple check you HR zones. Use multiple sources for confirmation. I think its too high.

Try using a blind HR test using a similar brick without looking at your HRM. Use PE instead...

Utimately, your HR is whatever it takes to maintain IM pace...regardless of charts and books.

Could you have a cracked rib?

Anonymous said...

Cliff, after swim practice on Thursday night I walk past the siren call of Burger King. But so far I've been able to keep walking ...

You're right to back off on the rib injury. You might be able to do some kick sets with or without the flutterboard if it acts up again ...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you went snowboarding. It looks SO hard! Yay for McD...just kidding. I hope you felt better soon after!

D said...

I have never been skiing or snowboarding - I need to try it. It looks like so much fun!

BuckeyeRunner said...

Have to love the 'Mc-gurgles' you get in the stomach after a nice Micky D's meal. I was guilt of a breakfast this past weekend!

brendaj said...

I wish I were well trained enough to reject bad food! Luckily McD is not on my list but a cupcake jumped out at me yesterday...