Monday, January 30, 2006

Abnormal in a good way.

I just receieve news of my blood work. My liver number has GONE down. : ) Sweet..thanks for all your concern, prayers and worry :). The coordinator said my number gone down back to 50 something and would like to see it in 30s. 50s are what i normally have. Average people are in the 30s. Before my number gone up to 80s.

So yeah I am abnormal in a good way.

Going to get blood work again in the next two weeks. I left a voice message that if I would change my diet to improve the numbers, i would do so.

Just came back from the swim consultation. Coach is quick impressed by the progress. I swam four laps and he analyzed what i have done well. Then quickly we went back to business. More drills, more critique. I know what i need to work on. I have another blog (Yeah way too many) that I try to set up to keep track of my daily training.


Robin said...

Glad to hear you number has gone down, Cliff!

Wow. TWO blogs! It takes me enough time to do my one. :)

Cliff said...


Hehe i know what youa re saying. I am trying to use that blog to keep tracks of the numers and stats of my training.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That's great news on the liver enzymes! Whatever you're doing right, just keep doing it!

Rachel said...

Glad you're in good health. Good for working on swimming technique. I should do the same.

William said...

Good news there Cliff. So is there a way to lower that number?

Cliff said...


No clue. I will do some research. Hopefully i will come up with something.

Kewl Nitrox said...

Cliff, will add you to my prayer list if you don't mind - Jehovah Rapha, our LORD our healer! I think God has been getting me to pray more. :)

Do keep us updated!

Great job on the swim too.

TriZilla said...

What great news, Cliff!!! Phew, that must be a relief!

And, congrats on the kudos on the swim form! That's awesome :)

Joyce said...

glad to hear you are ingood health!

Trisaratops said...

Great news! :) Glad to hear it!

Anonymous said...

awesome about the blood work. i have (clearing throat here) 6 blogs. totally stupidly ridiculous, i know.

psbowe said...

It's great to get good news! And nice going on the swimming too!

Hilda said...

It certainly has been a tough way for you, and now that you see you have completely overcome it, should be so nice, is great to know this is real.
I knew you were already over those 14 hours.

Oldman said...

Who's brain did you get? Abby. Abby who? Abbynormal (Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein)

Ok what's normal for others is not normal for you...maybe your just above normal or better than normal...or faster than normal.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are abnormal in a good way.

D said...

Great news Cliff.

Thomas said...

Great news about those numbers, you must be so relieved.
Keep up the training!

Rae said...

YeAH!! Abnormal rocks!!

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