Monday, February 02, 2009

Still alive...

Wow. It has been a month since I posted. Yup, I am still here. Doing about the same old same old.

On Sat, Aaron and I went to Gary for the 2nd Annual Alton Half Ironman. It was originally hosted at Darren. But unfortunately he got struck with the winter bug (flu) and was out of commission. Gary generously offered up his place and we had a one long training session.

The plan was to meet at the pool at 7. I woke up at 7 am. NUTS!

I called Aaron and told them to start without me. We met up at Gary's place and spin on the bike for about 2 1/2 hr. It was a great time to ride long again. Also the added company didn't hurt. We watched Ironman Championship 2008. See Craig Alexander run down everyone. We also watched Muskoka Long Course 2006 and a bit of St. Croix 2006.

Afterwards, we headed out for a run. We did a 6 km loop. Running with the wind nice. Runnning against the wind. Not so nice. Though, running in the cold beats the dreadmill any day!

The boys did three loop and I was done by two. I haven't train that much this season and thus, I let the them brave the cold while I went back stretch and changed. From the looks of it, they ran the last loop pretty hard.

Gary made some pasta for me and Aaron had to head back to go tobagganing w/ his kids. Since I bailed on the swim the morning, I decided to head to the Y to do a few laps in the chlorine bath. I did a quick 1 km. To cool down, I swim breastroke. And each kick, I can feel my quads wanting to cramp.

Yup..I worked them quite hard ;o).

And so the season begins...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting back in the swing of training, Cliff!

ShirleyPerly said...

Nice day of training. Glad to see you back posting.

Brent Buckner said...

'Tis the season!

William said...

Sounds like fun Cliff. I hate it when the legs almost cramp in the pool.

Thomas said...

That's quite a way to kick-start your training!