Thursday, January 01, 2009

The holidays, a new year...

Hello hello.

I had a lot of wining and dining this holiday. It's great to get together with some friends I haven't seen for a while. On Christmas Day, I had a family dinner. My mom went back to Hong Kong the Friday after. Work has been very quiet. We all want to be out of the office than in.

One of the house party,we were playing a game that you have to figure out what the answer each person wrote. The question varies from, 'if you are a Vice President, who will you want to be under" and "if you can be a infomerical product, what would you be?"

To the latter question, one person suggested snuggies. What's snuggies? Take a look:

Be sure to look at the 1:05 mark. It looks like snuggies more of a cult wear :D

...ok now on the training front.

I haven't swim everyday as plan. Though, I am hitting around the same volume when I was training for Ironman. The bike and run needs to ramp up. Yesterday, I went to the Y late and I had 20 min to swim. I quickly jumped into the pool and did a quick 700 m before they pulled me out.

As I continued to swim longer, I keep on thinking of different ways and different sets. There are the drills: high elbow, catch, breathing, one arm, paddles, flippers. Then just volume, 10 x 200 m, mix of 200 m, 100 m, 50 ms. Ladder (100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 200 m, 100 m). So much fun.

There is an indoor triathlon race around my area (University of Toronto, Hart House) on Feb 14th. That's right..nothing like saying will you be my valentine in a pair of spandex (or speedo, if you are bold) swimming, biking and running. I am trying to organize a team to do this. I have loads of friends who run and bike. Though no one swims. Note to self: need to find more swimmer friends...

...I am eyeing on a pair of snowshoes for Christmas. The lowest price (from a good brand) is $150. There is a running pair selling for $190. Trying to find a pair that's 2nd hand but no such luck.

...better get off now, going to grab a cup of joe and hit the trainer for an hour.

I hope everyone had a great new year eve. And now 2009 is just begun :D May you have a great's to more pain, more laugh, more sweats, and of course...more speed!!! :D


Anonymous said...

Swimmer friends! (They do make very good friends. I can vouch for them.)

Have a fabulous new year, Cliff!

Unknown said...

Best wishes for a fantastic year in 2009. :-)

brendaj said...

The valentine triathlon sounds sweet. I liked your last post also. I've had a few people close to me recently diagnosed with cancer so it's always nice to hear your perspective.

Brent Buckner said...

Happy New Year!

Hart House... I have a bunch of fond memories of the place from my time as a UofT undergrad.

Spokane Al said...

Happy New Year to you. And more speed sounds like a terrific goal for 2009.

Michael said...

Happy New Year Cliff, good luck with the training!

Born To Endure said...

Sounds like a great way to spend Valentines day!

Steven said...

Happy New Year, Cliff!
Best of luck on gaining speed in 2009...that is a great goal to shoot for.

Rachel said...

I've always wanted to try snowshoeing! Do I have snow envy?

Just got back into master's swimming this week. I've lost so much but the swims go by so quickly and are lots of fun.

Rae said...

Happy New Year! I'm glad you had great holidays! I've seen the Snuggies commercial here - it looks like the kind of warm blankie you need for cold Canada!

Jade Lady said...

Never heard of snuggies...why, did u get one? Happy belated New Year to you!

ShirleyPerly said...

I could use a snuggle right now. It's quite cold here in FL this week.

And the indoor tri sounds good. Hope you will meet more swimming friends this year.

Happy New Year, Cliff!!

coachh said...

just catching up...good read.