Monday, February 23, 2009

No pics no proofMy left shin from the ice berg incident last Wed. Next time I will bring my camera with me to take a few pics of those icebergs. It is a weird thing. A lady beside that trail was saying that the city put them there. These icebergs are one foot thick. To get ice this thick it has to be by the lake. Why would the city dig up the lake and dump the ice there? Makes no sense to me. :)

Today at the pool, I try this new toy. It felt very weird to be holding two of these in the pool :).

Check out my 9th pair of shoes. I love shiny things :D


Anonymous said...


Nice new shiny things, too!

ShirleyPerly said...

OUCH on the shin!

I've not yet tried the tennis ball drill, though I've heard of it. YAY for new shoes!!

Dances with Corgis said...

Our pooch sure would love to try out your "new pool training method" with that high-tech apparatus. :)

Brent Buckner said...


Hope you had a good run Around the Bay!

brendaj said...

I've found the tennis ball to be perfect (better than the foam roller actually) than working out knots in my back.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Love the shoes! Hope you're doing welll!!