Monday, September 22, 2008


The weekend was very relaxing for me. I took 2-3 hour day on Sat and Sun. Lazy around the house. I took the bike out. I hadn't touch it for a long time.

I spent last night lining up all my running gears for each day. It looks like I need to do laundry in mid week as I only have four pair of shorts/pants to train with.

I also spent last night ironing my work clothes for the rest of the week.

I am keeping my schedule light and everything is poured onto training.

I have prepared main meal for the rest of the week.

This coming week is the last week I build before tapering for Toronto marathon (Oct 19).

This coming Sun, I will be running Half marathon with a friend. It is her first time. A race for her is an easy run for me :) (I hope it is an easy run).

In either week is focus on build up.

Today, got tempo run in order. Two times 15 min tempo....let the fun begins...


Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Hey Cliff - great job on your marathon training!

To answer your question, when I bike in the dark I have a LED flashing light on the back of the bike and a NiteRider MiNewt Dual headlight on the front. My headlight is so bright that some of my friends once thought I was a motorcycle coming their way!

When I run in the dark, I have a reflective belt and reflective ankle bands that I wear.

So far, so good...although it is still a bit scary.

ShirleyPerly said...

With the heat & humidity we have in both FL & HI, not washing running clothes after you've used them is not an option :-)

Good luck at your half mary this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your half, Cliff!

WildWill said...

Enjoy the half Cliff

Thomas said...

Good Luck with the half, Cliff. It will give you a good indication on what to expect from the marathon.

Brent Buckner said...

Almost at taper - nice! You've done the work, now just don't go crazy while it sinks in.

Phil said...

Hi Cliff! Have a fun run on Sunday.