Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beginning of the Tri Season

I will start off with last Thurs bike ride with Matt. It was great. We did a few laps around our workplace. Just catching up on things. He showed me an Olympic pool by work. I can't believe it was that close. I look forward to getting more laps during lunch time.

I have to admit that I have a slight injury. Two Fridays ago, while I was doing hill repeats I somehow manage to pull a groin muscle (Darren cracked a few jokes on my groin behalf).

Irony is that when I run, I don't feel the pain. When I walk or put on my pants, I can feel it (Maybe I shouldn't walk or wear pants at all :P). So after last Fri' run, I had enough and need to put myself off the training front and rest, stretch and recover.

In the meantime, I can still bike and swim.

Speaking of swimming, yesterday I had a wick session.

After speaking at Running Room about my Ironman Liver Transplant experience, I headed over to the pool.

There were the usual suspects at the pool. And a few additions.

There was a couple where the guy tail after the girl. Earlier this year, I had trouble catching up to this pair. Last night, I was swimming fast enough to catch up to them. :)

There was the regular swimming family. The father with his son and daughter. He was coaching them. The kids can swim.

There was a guy swimming and doing tai chi in the water. Yeah, Tai Chi. Or something like that. We were sharing a lane and I had to swim around him. Weird!

There was a new guy who was swimming strong and fast. I took a note of his stroke. He was just ripping the water.

I decided to add a 750 m swim in my regular session. I had my first tri this Sun. I decided to do Binbrook Tri. At first I decided to do Muskoka Long Course. It was always my nemesis. Everytime I swim there, I struggle.

I decided for Binbrook because it is closer. Ultimately, I needed to get some open water experience for this season.

So I am looking forward for this Sun. Binbrook Tri is 750m swim, 26k bike and 6.5 km run. Nothing fancy :) I figure I can go pretty fast and still not too shell to go for a bike ride in the afternoon.

In the meantime...let the groin heal...


Anonymous said...

Heal well!!! (And don't push it. Nagging groin injuries can be really problematic.)

And have a great Tri Season, Cliff!

ShirleyPerly said...

Nice job at the pool, Cliff! Lucky you have one so close to work.

And good luck on Sunday. Hope the groin injury doesn't bother you.

Thomas said...

Good Luck, Cliff. And don't worry too much about that groin, If it doesn't hurt while running, it can't be too bad.