Thursday, November 15, 2007

Off Season fun.

My jaw dropped when I saw the 4 hour bit :). 25 k yeah is ok. 25 k trail w/ lots of hills = super fun. I better start getting my clif bar and clif bloks. I will need them this Sat.

Well like it or not, it's here. The 2nd annual 25k Bruce Trail run is this Saturday! Here's the details:

Where: Arrive at my place at 7:30am. We'll take one car to the trailhead. (about 15 min away) Plan to be on the trail for 8am.

If you need directions to my house, please email me back and I'll provide them.

Last year, Ian and I did this run in about 3.5 hrs. It's a difficult run over challenging terrain. (LOTS of hills) I'm planning for 4 hours this year, there will lots of walking and I don't want anyone going into 'Zone 2'. So bring, enough food and drink to get you through. (I'll hydrate well before hand, carry 1.5 litre in a camel back, plus sports bars etc..) Other stuff to bring:

- toque, gloves, change of socks/ shoes / clothes for after, recovery drink, blister bandaid?, trekking poles?, HRM.. Dress appropiately! It's looking chilly and our starting temp could be as low as -5. Yes, MINUS.

We should be back at my place at 12:30, shower is available, hang out, eat and expect to heading home around 2ish.

If you want to bring a friend, by all means, but please let them know what they are getting in to. This will be challenging.

Please confirm you are coming by responding to this email.

See you Saturday,



Anonymous said...

Enjoy it, Cliff!!

Brent Buckner said...

Four hours in zone 1. That's not off-season, that's base!

jameson said...

that sounds like a good time!

Thomas said...

You know what, I'd love to do that, too! You'll have great fun.

ShirleyPerly said...

Sounds like fun except for the minus-5 temp at the start -- OMG!

brendaj said...

Sounds like a fun time, especially with a big group of friends!