I am feeling much better. I can get out of the chair and walking the stairs without much pain :o).
To summarize Lake Placid: I have never felt closer to God and figure who I am than on race day.
Here are two pics from TriEric. This is taken in the first lap of the run. Thanks for him being there and encourage me. I love the pics b/c I am running strong. I don't even know where that energy is coming from.
A full report is coming soon. I spent yesterday cleaning up my gears. I don't know where I put my camera so the pics will have to be delayed. No complain. Life is good. :)

Cliff, talk about hot.
you look awesome. I'd never guess you were in the last leg of an ironman. well done.
You look great! I can't believe how strong you look.
In answer to your question about the swimming tip--I need to reach straight b/tw the entry and catch phase (before the pull). However, I think this also sets you up for a better pull (where you don't cross the midline). Hope that answers it!
You look fantastic! Strong!
Way to go IronCliff
feeling better? You ought to feel effing great!!!!
You're and Ironman Cliff. Reveal in the agony today
congratulations, cliff!!!! it was so great to meet you and cheer for you on the course. i had my team mates looking for you, too. we had 20 team mates racing and just as many cheering them on. funny i met you BEFORE the race and then AFTER in the tent when I was looking for my friend Julie who was also in there. too bad lunch didn;t work out; i called you but maybe you headed home already. maybe next ironman. haha. i, too, have pix which i will email you this weekend since you cannot find your camera. also if you email me you address i can send you the hard copy pics, too! :-) it was so great to meet you AND CHEER for you as you were meeting your IRONMAN goals! woo-hoo! way to go cliff!
Lookin good there, Cliff! I can tell that you like the hills if you're striding like that! Well done, and know that all of us wanna-be's are jealous...and inspired!
Looking very strong! We're looking forward to reading your full report.
Yeah - you look really strong!
You look like that after a 2.4 (?Maybe) mile swim, and a 112km bike?! Wow. I can't imagine how you looked in the beginning!!
Way to go!!!
Congratulations on your ironman debut!
Rock-solid, Cliff! You look like your feet are barely touching the ground.
Nicely done.
EXCUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME, buddy, you can NOT come over on my blog posting comments "I miss 100 miles with a FROWN face" when YOUR IRONMAN WAS LAST FREAKING WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That is a verified sign that YOU ARE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I implore you to step away from the computer, put on a mumu, eat bonbons, and watch soap operas for the rest of the week as punishment.
Oh yeah, and those are some studly looking fast pics you have there :)
Congrats IRONMAN, you look like you were out for a 10km trot, LOOKING STRONG THERE, Bro!
Someone in church has also telling me that his marathon was a surprisely spiritual experience. How kewl is that? I am doing my 1st Oly Tri tomorrow, it's no where near a IM, HIM or marathon, but I am hoping that it will also be somewhat of a spiritual experience.
Wow! Those are great photos. As everyone has already said, you are looking strong in those photos. Way to go!!
Awesome pics!! You don't look like you were in the middle of Ironman! I can't wait to read all about it!! (So hurry up and tell us!! =) )
Running strong, that's what I love to see!
Awesome pics!!! TriEric is da bomb. You look GREAT!
You are looking strong and fast.
Congratulations on a great, great IM.
CONGRATS! Brother. So proud of you.
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