Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Just want to say...

my accident on Sat..the BIKE is ok :0). I make sure I take the fall. Shoulder still ache and there is sharp pain when I move the right arm too much.

Thanks for all the concern.

Going to see the family doctor in 20 min.
Also made an appointment tonight with a specialist my mom refer me to. He specializes in back and joint pains.

Could be a tendon tear or/and damage the shoulder cuff.

In the mean time, you can enjoy my race picture from last month. This is not the first time I wear my helment slanted. Maybe this gives me more speed. :)


Born To Endure said...

Get well...fast!!!!!!!

Kewl Nitrox said...

I am still praying for you! Hope the doctor and specialist appointments do help heaps in speed up healing.

Bike - have you tried setting up the aero bars a LITTLE further apart? May not be much of a aerodynamic disadvantage, and it will give you a bit more stability and may even help you breathe better on the bike.

(I think the crooked helmet serves to show your determination even more.) :-)

brendaj said...

Oh, no. I hope you heal super fast! If you think the crooked helmet is funny...have you seen people in tris still wearing their swim caps under the helmet? :)

Mike said...

That sucks. At least its taper time now. Maybe the extra rest will make you faster.

cdnhollywood said...

I don't know how you went down, but if you jarred your shoulder, be careful that it doesn't "fall" forward. This will cause an impingement on the tendons within the rotator. If this is the case, add some light resistance training for external rotation on the shoulder. Check out http://exrx.net/Lists/ExList/BackWt.html#anchor511734 for a simple exercise.

Get well!

Anonymous said...

I think that helmet angle is a fine fashion statement, Cliff!

I hope the doctor had goo dthings to say.

Robin said...

Good luck at the doc. Let us know what happens there.

Robin said...

actually, on 2nd look, after reading Kewl's comment -- I agree with his suggestion. The aerobars look really close together.

Tri-Dummy said...

With your helmet slanted, you look like the WWII soldiers.