Monday, March 12, 2007

Hong Kong

I arrived early this morning. The flight was long. Six hrs from Toronto to Anchorage (Alaska) and 15 more to Hong Kong.

The seats are cramp so I pretty much sleep for an hour and get up to change position. Repeat that for 10 times and that's my flight. The onboard meals were more like snacks. Lots of sat fat and trans fat. But nothing I can do.

All I can say is that I love the weather. 20 degree * C and cloudy. No humid at all. Compare to the freezing weather in Toronto. No contest.

I haven't came back for more than 10 years. This place is packed. Everyone is going somewhere and doing something. Fast pace lifestyle. My uncle (where I am staying right now) is further away. Kinda like the suburbs. The villa that he lives in is quiet.

My foot is getting better. Perhaps it is because I sat in the plane for so long and letting it rest. My right knee is giving me problem. A few weekends ago, I was playing paintball and I banged my right knee when I fell. Even now, I can feel a minor ache inside of my kneecap.

If not for the knee and the foot, I would love to go for a quick jog. My aunt showed me the local gym. The closest pool is a 30 min commute. Ekk. I gotta find something closer.

My grandma's (dad side) funeral is tomorrow night and Wed morning. I haven't been to a chinese funeral before. So I don't know what to expect. In chinese culture, we are to wear white overalls. We got the right outfits today before lunch.

Glad to see my uncles and my aunts. My dad haven't see his bro/sis for a long time. So the gathering, despite being in a funeral, will hopefuly be warm

My grandma (mom side) walks 2-3 hrs every morning. I would love to walk w/ her. Then train on my own. The rest of the day will be exploring Hong Kong, spending time with friends and relatives.

For now, I am still getting use to the time zone. It is 3 pm and I need a snooze....

Will post pics...


TRI Vortex said...

First time checking out your blog, cancer survivor?!?!!? yikes. I'm sure that you talked about it somewhere here, so I'll probably see it later. Good luck with the time change. I've visited the Philippines once from California, USA. Jetlag is a pain.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to get a trip update so soon!

Walking with your Grandma -- that sounds like a great plan.

Born To Endure said...

Glad you are there safe and sound, i'm sure your family is so happy to see you. Hope you can post some pics of this great place you're in!!!

Brent Buckner said...

Sounds as though you're using the time/opportunity very well.

The Stretch Doc said...

Prayers to you and your family.
Spending time walking with Grandma, Priceless!!!

Have a wonderful time.


JC said...

See... now I see where you get it. Grandma is out there training for 2-3 hours a day. No wonder you are a machine!

Enjoy your trip, Cliff. Wish it were for happier circumstances, but like johnnytri said... the time with your other grandma is priceless.

Thomas said...

Walking with your grandma would be fantastic. Just think how much you could talk about in that time.

DV said...

hoping for safe and rewarding travels for you


Tri-Dummy said...

May God bless you and your family while you are there.

Darren said...

Hard to believe you are on the other side of the world, when just a couple of days ago, we were swimming side by side. Enjoy your adventure Cliff, enjoy your family and don't forget to enjoy some training! Cheers, bro.

brendaj said...

Your blog reminded me of the one time I visited my grandfather in Taipei and he took me on his morning jog. He used to jog every morning well into his 70s.

Mike said...

Looking forward to your updates from HK. Glad you made it there in one piece!

Chris said...

I can sympathize with the long flight overseas. I'm glad that you made it there safe and sound.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Despite your grandma's funeral, it sounds like you are able to have a wonderful visit. I wanna be like your other grandma and have my grandkids walk 2-3 hours a day with me!

Robin said...

Cliff, I would definitely join your grandmom for a couple of her daily walks. You could learn a lot. I am sure that she has interesting stories to tell you and wisdom to share!!!

Robin said...

Oh, and yes! post pics! Family pics AND scenery of HK!

Robin said...

Oh, your grandfather's funeral is actually tomorrow morning --as I am reading your post. I will be thinking of him.

Robin said...

oh cliff, sorry for all of these comments of mine here--I just wanted you to know I meant to type grandMOTHER.

Runner Susan said...

My best to you and your family Cliff. Savor the time walking with your grandmother and visiting with your family. I look forward to the pics.

Kewl Nitrox said...

Hey Cliff, so good to heaqr from you all the way in Hong Kong. Actually, it is a lot nearer to Singapore than Toronto!

Good to hear that the foot is better. Perhaps it is the "right" time to nurse the foot and the ankle, while you are on a break in Hong Kong. If you have not been there in 10 years, I bet it feels like a whole new country huh? People there actually speak Mandarin now, not just Cantonese! :)

Take care and TREASURE this time with the extended family.

God Bless!

qcmier said...

Hope you enjoy the trip!!! I used to run the trails in the middle of HK island. Despite my aunt saying they were dangerous. It's been almost ten years since my last visit there. Would love to see some pictures and hear about your time there.