Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cliff in Planet of the Apes

This post is long..fills with pics (below). But let's start off with the training... start running/indoor bike in the gym. Leg felt great. Yesterday, biked for 30 min and ran for 90 min. No tireness, no pain!!

Today I saw a lady with a Bianchi. I was drooling...of course..I was staring at the bike. She wasn't using clips. What a waste. I almost want to go and tell her to get clips :) I shall bike soon. My aunt showed me where to rent bikes and trails to ride on. Will do so next week.

As per Commodore's request...this is my Uncle's room. Can you say small?

This is the room I am sleeping. I am 5'7" and I just barely fit the bed. What can I say, every foot is a luxury.
I feel more like I am in Planet of the Apes than in Hong Kong....there is a mountain where all the monkeys are free to roam.

The monkeys are very smart. My aunt told me the monkeys will recognize supermarket's plastic bag. Once, she got mauled by them b/c she was carrying one of thoes bag. The monkeys took the bag, open a bag of chips and start eating. The chips was spicy so they spitted them out. I suggest we put hot sauce in the banana and feed it to them :D (better not, they know how to hold a grudge).
He must be a regular b/c the monkeys stayed away from us.
I wish someone can do this to me. My friend suggest I get a girlfriend....I think I will be the one who will be doing the picking then getting picked on :)

It sure feels like home :)...


brendaj said...

The monkey video is great, especially when they all start scampering into the street!

Dances with Corgis said...

Awesome pictures, Cliff!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Cliff. Fabulous!

Fe-lady said...

Thanks for sharing all of your adventures from Hong Kong! Man, you guys have a lot of monkeys they ever get mean?

Comm's said...

I had a jr. twin in college that I slept on and to this very day I still like to sleep with my feet dangling off the bed.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Thanks for sharing the photos. I love all the monkeys. Years ago a friend had one for a pet. He used to feed it onions. It was funny to watch. The monkey loved to eat them but he would take a bite and then rub it on his butt to try and get rid of the oils. Then he would take another bite. Tears forming in his eyes, he would rub again and bit again. He ate the whole thing this way.

Bonbon said...

Awwwwwwww....but the monkeys look so big. Glad you are enjoying HK.

it's only fuel said...

I love this post Cliff:) I must show this to my hubby, he loves monkeys. The one grabbing that guys cane is a little un-nerving though!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Thanks for the laugh. Have a good visit.

Stay tuned...

Unknown said...

Oh My! There sure are a lot of them!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Cliff!

Tri-Dummy said...

Dude...the pics and video of the monkeys cracked me up!

I would like to have given that woman an industrial sized cannister of pepper spray to douse some of those monkey with.

Rae said...

I love the monkeys!! That is so great!