Friday, February 16, 2007

Swim, Bike, Run and Life

Just want to recap this week:

Swim - Since I bail my swim last week, this week I make sure I take a chlorine bath. Ribs are fine. Thanks for the concern. I cannot kick at all. Last night, I had to do 200 m kick drills. Argh. I was going so slow that a granny doing back stroke passed me. Whenever I kick, I could feel my hip flexors. The first 50 m, I almost cramped. Gotta keep it. If there is a nemesis for Cliff, it is KICK drills! What can I say? Keep at it....that's the only way.

Bike - Last night, my coach made me do a series of bike drills. 30 sec high cadence, 15 sec higher and last 15 sec max (all in small gears). I was flooring in the 15 sec max. I had to. This is the only time I get to go HARD during my training. It was fun. The highest I reached was 145 rpm.

Run - Went for a run on Wed. It was -15*C (5*F) not including wind chill. My mp3 player died froze during the run. Double layer everything and it didn't feel too bad. I had to go home to change my hat to cover my ears. I figure if I can run in -15*C, then running in 30*C+ heat ain't that bad. Need to build that mental toughness...

Fellowship - My fellowship is organizing a coffee house tonight. One of the sisters is in charge and I do whatever I can to support her. We decorated one of the church's classroom into a cozier theme. The coffee house is shall be good.

Life - Work has been busy. Tying up loose ends. On Wed, my close friend came by and we talk about his relationship problems.....Oh the irony...two guys hanging out on Valentine Day....(Added: I do wish someone give me flowers...or chocolate..wait..chocolate is bad for about sweet peppers? :D)

As for the weekend, I look forward for some quiet time. Need to ride long. Probably add a swim afterwards. That's about it on my end...have a great weekend...


Robin said...

I went & got a massage on Valentine's Day! Take care of those ribs & enjoy the weekend.

Tri Swiss said...

We share the same enemy Kick Drills!!

Rae said...

Have a great weekend and good luck with your training!

Anonymous said...

Cliff, although I haven't seen your kick, common problems with runners and bikers are too much knee bend and kicking too deeply.

It's unsolicited advice, but it may help you to concentrate on: keeping knees loose but no bending, keeping ankles loose, keeping kick shallow and from the hips.

And feel free to let me know how it goes!

Tri-Dummy said...

I don't like kick drills either.

Then again, I don't like sweet peppers.

Poor Cliff.