Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chilly anyone?

Note: -22*C is -7*F

It didn't feel so bad until I ran into the wind. Didn't realize the gusts were that strong. But I got my run (1 hr 10 min) in. Spent 10 min in the pool until someone decided to vomit and more swimming for me. Too bad, I was just about to warm up.


Robin said...

You got puke. I got poop. At least I wasn't in the pool for it.

Rachel said...

yuck. running in -11 degree weather and swimming in vomit. Now that's hard-core!

Donald said...

Oh my goodness - no way could I run in weather like that. Way to go Cliff.

Thomas said...

Oh Yuck! At least I don't have to put up with someone else's puke on the road.

DV said...

brrrr.... yuck.....
i think i'd probably swim in other pool for awhile after seeing that.

TriDaddy said...

Got my bike out on the road for the first time this year and got to experience bone-chilling 30 mph gusts! Not as cold as where you are though! Way to get that run in!

Pete (Bib# 70) Hagen said...

Whew! Suddenly I feel like our 6F is a heat wave!!

Sorry about the bad luck in the pool!

Fe-lady said...

you are a better/stronger man than I! I complain when it's below 40 degrees! And swimming in vomit? Why was this person even in the pool in the first place????

brendaj said...

I haven't run in weather that cold since I moved from the east coast 15 years ago!

Faithful Soles said...

ok, now I'm feeling guilty that I felt "cold" at the start of the Austin Marathon yesterday when it was in the 30's (I won't even mention that at the finish it was in the 60's).

Anonymous said...

Puke in the pool. Y.U.C.K.

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly, that's cold! And good call getting out of the pool after the vomit.

Peter Lawson said...

Crikey mate, good on ya for running in that weather.. must have been a bit of a shocker in the pool eh?!!!

Rae said...

Vomit in the pool???? EWWWW!

Hopefully it's warmer for you now, that's a COLD run!

E-Speed said...

Hey Cliff. I think we are all ready for spring!

In the snow I just run in my trail shoes. I have Mizuno Ascends and they seem to be all I need.