What do you do when you need to run for 45 minutes and it is -8 *C (18 *F) outside and there is one of these in your basement?
There were numerous reasons to stay indoor but sometimes you just have to brave the cold. Besides, the Yak-Trax I bought last year are meant to be use. Not to be store in my drawers.
Did a Latec Threashold (LT) test on Fri morning on the treadmill.
Here is the setup:
- 10 min warm up
- 20 min running as hard as I can and measure my average heart rate
- of the 20 min, the first 15 min was my 10 k pace. I don't know my 10 k pace so I slowly amp the speed up.
- last 5 min, I was running close to 6:30 min/mile
Perceived exertion wise, I was about 9/10. Speed wise, it felt like I was running slower compare to the end of last season. I probably lost some fitness. This ain't a big deal considering that I am still slowly ramping up my training.
My average heart rate was 176. I did a LT test in Dec 2005. It was using a different format and it was around 175. Not a big change. Since both tests are done differently, we can't really associate them. It would be interested to see if the rates changes throughout the season.
What's important is that now I know what my latec threshold is, I can figure out my zones.
Here they are:
Zone 1 - Active Recovery (150 and less)
Zone 2 - Extensive Endurance (150-159)
Zone 3 - Intensive Endurance (160-168)
Zone 4 - Threshold Training (168-175)
Zone 5a - Threshold Training (176-179)
Zone 5b - VO2 Max Intervals (180-186)
Zone 5c - Anaerobic Repetition (187+)
I will be training training mostly in zone 1 to 3. This is what I need to build a strong aerobic base for Ironman. I was talking to the coach last time and he said in reality I shouldn't be training up to zone 3 max. The reason is most of us (first timers) cannot handle that intensity for IM distance. That's true. I can handle running in Zone 1 and maybe zone 2 for hours. But Zone 3 will really be pushing it.
I plan on doing a bike latec threshold test soon as well once my legs are back 100%.
This week, my coach put me up on a very low volume.
Mon - rest
Tues - Bike 30', Swim 40'
Wed - Run 35'
Thurs - Bike 45, Swim 40'
Fri - Run 35' (latec threshold test)
Sat - None (supose to bike for an hour, snowboard the whole day instead)
Sun - Run 45', Bike 60'
Total hours - 5 hr and change
Just want to show you my setup before I finish this post. This is my computer room. It is a bit messy. With the computer, I can access my dvds (24 or spinervals). The grey tower is a fan.

Below is a picture of what I bring to work everyday.
I eat the almonds 2-3 handfuls a day. If I train a lot, I would eat two bagels. If not, I eat one. I eat one sweet pepper daily. I also add grape tomatoes and baby carrots . These veges are small, easy to prep, and colorful (full of antioxidants) .
The lunch is either a mix of chicken/turkey breast, yams/squash, or tuna w/ crackers + lemon juice. I always eat two banana and another fruit or two (oranges, tangers, apples).
I never mix yams with baby carrots. Too much fiber and my stomach goes crazy.

Have a great week everyone...
That food looks both nice and healthy.
Love the food and bike setups.
That food doesn't look too bad! I need to do better about planning my food for the day. Thanks for the motivation.
The bike set-up is supa sweet.
do you read blogs while you are on the windtrainer?
Nice bike set-up, Cliff.
And your lunch sure looks better then my pb&j, granola bar, and apple.
All of a sudden...I'm hungry!
Very nice. I enjoyed the pictures!
I'm really impressed with your food prep...I wish I were that healthy!
Cool!! You just reminded me that I have some running snow shoes that I should try this weekend...since we're getting so much snow these past few days..
Sorry Cliff...you've been tagged.
Man, that looks like some healthy food!! Thanks for sharing your pics and good luck with this week's training!
well done cliff.
on all three accounts!
i'll be interested in finding out the difference between your running and biking LT. I was assuming that they would be the same, but the more I read, the more I learn that this is not necessarily (and in face..probably) not true.
Wow you have a lot of anonymous comments for this post! My "anonymous" person only says mean things in my comment. :) haha.
I like your trainer setup, smart move with the fan.
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