Friday, October 27, 2006

Last Sat

I never got a chance to post this because the pics are at home. I usually blog at work on my *ahem* lunch.


The b-day girl!!

The family (Dada, Bean, Mama and Mama's Mama). The parents are one of the humblest people I know.

Kids these day. I never got a cell phone on my first b-day. I don't think cell phone was invented on my first b-day :D
For your information: Sibby is a cat, not a person.Answer is (b). But one does question how Heather get a hold of Dada's boogers. :)


D said...

She is adorable.

Anonymous said...

How cute. i *ahem* read blog at lunch :)

Trisaratops said...

What a CUTIE!

Anonymous said...

Luv the pics, Cliff. What a cute girl!

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Cliff!

Boris' Dad said...

great video* i feel like grabbing fire now* :)

Fe-lady said...

So CUTE! My parents always made us a small cake of our own to dig into when we turned one year...(and of course there was a big one for the adults!)
She sure has a lot of friends and family! How great!

PS I (AHEM) blog at lunch too...and sometimes NOT at lunch! Shhhhh!

Rae said...

She is so cute!!!