Thanks for everyone's concern and prayer. I am doing alright. It is a time for me to reflect. About my life. My family. My future family.....
Today, I had a job interview. The position is a mix of IT and Marketing. It was fun. I know. I am so weird. I actually enjoy interviews when most ppl dread it.
Maybe b/c it is the thrill, the excitment, the anxious feeling. Well I crave for it.
I spent days ahead in preparation. Look at the job position. Do background search on the company. Look at my experiences, strengths and weaknesses.
Ironed my clothes, tie my tie and brought out my nice shoes. Print more copies of resumes. Make note of questions to ask.
I have an early light meal and go to bed early.
Morning is just a go. Shower, change, eat, grab my gears and headed out. I don't want to drink coffee and definitely like to get a caffiene boost. Guess what I use?

Who say you only use these for endurance sports? :D I always take one before a race starts to give me that extra boost.
It did the same for my interview. It went smooth. The interivew turned into a chit chat. We talked about the company. Their role to their customer. The problems they have been experiencing. I talked about my role in my company. What I have done.
Let's see if I make it to the second interview (will find out by next week).
I was thinking how similair it is to racing. Or vice versa. I was metaculous in my preparation. I plan every step. There are a few bumps I didn't expect and I kept moving on. There were a few times in the interview, I wasn't sure if I am qualify for it. I remain calm and keep positive.
I have faced similair challenges in the past.
I will face them in the future. Fear is always a good illusionist.
Like the way you see things cliff!
What a nice way to see things from the point of view you want.
What a nice boy preparing for the I
Hope your grandma is not in pain, that is the main thing.
Sounded like the interview went well.
Three of my four grandparents were deceased before I was born. The one grandma I knew passed away less than two years ago.
My thoughts and prayers to your grandma and family.
i hope you get that 2nd interview. i didn't know they have Clif everything... you should see if you can get an advertising job from them... haha
Great attitude for those interviews...let's jus say my experience with interviews is the polar opposite!
Sorry to hear about your grandma Cliff- that is definitely tough to deal with..wish your family the best here
good outlook! metaculous??? you must mean meticulous* :)
sorry to hear what happened. Must be nice to get the caffeine boost when you need it, unfortunately I can't take caffeine since I'm allergic to it :P
Fear also makes you perform your best sometimes! Congrats on the great interview performance! You are so funny-taking in a Clif Shot before in interview! Great story-you should write the company...I bet they would send you some free ones if they could publish it in an ad!
I like interviews too! And I thot I was the only weird one. :) The electricty of the moment always gets to me.
Sorry to hear about your grandma. It is always tough when a loved one passes on.
Hey Cliff... good luck with the 2nd interview mate (you're a lock!). You have a wise and insightful perspective on life and I'm sure that came through during your initial meeting.
Good luck with the interviewing! I know you'd make a great employee, I wish you were one of my coworkers!
Good luck and keep us posted.
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