Sunday, June 25, 2006

Maxing out..

Just letting my stomach digest my lunch before I head out to run and swim. Will do trail running (easier on the legs).

Just did a little adding for this week's training. From last wed to next wed, I will be hitting 24 hrs a week :O. OMG. This weekend, I am training close to 10 hours. That's equivalent to my weekly training last year.

Yesterday I rode 4 hr and ran 1 hr as planned..will post later.
This morning, I rode for 2 hr 44 min. Just grinding on high gears on hills. My legs are getting stronger. Surprise they are still keeping up after yesterday's training...GOOD JOB LEGS.

I do believe I am taking my training (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) to the next level.

On the way to Church today, all I can say is..THANK GOD. Training can't feel this good.


Anonymous said...

good to hear clif

Jennifer P said...

Just catching up on your blog -- you sound like you're in a really good place right now - you'll ace Peterborough. And, those race pics are amazing! You look killer on that bike course.

Trisaratops said...

24 hours!!!?????????? Sheesh! You a crazy trainin' fool! Hope it goes well!

Comm's said...

24 hrs! Yeah Cliff! you rock it man. I also dig the dragon boat racing. They actually have one or two a year out here in Phx.

Glad your legs are feeling stronger.

Bolder said...

wow! that's great cliff!!

Donald said...

That's some serious training hours dude. Way to work it.

Trifrog said...

That volume of training followed by a 10-day taper for an HIM - man, you are in great shape.

Way not to lose your focus on the One who gave you those legs and being thankful for it. I will endeavor to do the same for the much 'lesser' legs He gave me ;)

Iron Pol said...

As the training hours increase, balance becomes more and more important (Iron Pol, preaching to the choir). This is a crazy two weeks as I attempt to balance the normal family and training roles with covering for a vacationing pastor.

Nothing like giving the sermons for two weeks running to make sure you keep God in focus during hectic periods.

Great job on the training. It will all pay off come the big race.

Habeela said...

Just be careful you don't overtrain yourself.

Ellie Hamilton said...


qcmier said...

Nice job!!! You're an animal.

Julie B said...

You've had a great week of workouts; now enjoy that food that you are digesting!

Mike said...

24 hours in one week!?! You ironman guys are NUTS!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of training Cliff. God would need to perform a miracle for me to be able to fit that much training into my schedule, of course anything is possible with God.

Anonymous said...

Cliff, I don't use DVDs anymore to do yoga, I've finally got all the moves down now where I can do it on my own. Perhaps we can make an exception for you Yoga dvds though since it has to do with training.

I haven't recorded my hours, but depending on whether or not CSI is on or not :P I'll sometimes watch 3-4 hours a night, that's 3-4 hours of extra sleep I could be getting :P CSI is addicting :P

Rae said...

Man!!! You spend so much time on your bike I'd install a TV and recliner!

Great job with your training!