This is from an old Sienfield episode. It ain't the exact dialogue...
George - Jerry, you gotta pick up the signals. If she smiles at you, that's a signal. If she gives you a number, that's a signal. When you first see her, if she gives u a handshake, that's no good. But if she gives u a hug...
This is the episode where Jerry met a lady on one of his acts and the lady is flying to NYC and asked if she could stay over at his place. It is an old episode.
When a signal is mis-interpreted, it is either the sender is not sending it correctly or the receiver is not listening properly. I am not a very people person. But slowly, over the years, I learn to set my receiver in tune. I learn the most when I listen from both the sender and the receiver.
Case in point, a while back, friend had a big fight with his g/f. I hear his story. I hear her story. I was able to weave the picture together. Most of the times, I don't see one side is wrong or right. It is usually mis-interpretation.
I am becoming more conscious of the signals I am sending and the ones I am receiving. Of course, I ain't freaking over every signal. Is she giving me a signal? Eye contact? Yes. Good. Is the conversation going well? Yes. Good. Should I take the next step? Signals receive and sent. Rinse and repeat.
I become much more aware of the signals I receive when I am training. Is my body working too hard? Not working hard enough? Am I feeling unmotivated (a sign of over training)?
Once the signal is received, the bigger question is what do one do with it? If my legs send me a signal when I am tired, do I dig deep and man up? Or do I give them a break and drop down a gear? Of course, it all depends (training purpose, degree of difficulty, fatigue level etc). Intelligence is not pushing hard at all cost or taking it easy all the time. It is a mix. It is knowing when to go and when to sit back.
In regards to my love life (ha, if I can even call it that), I am quite shy (very shy, like a rock. The rock behind that rock). Then a thought just enter my mind. Cliff, she is sending u signals. What are u going to do about it? If you ain't proactive about this, the signals are all wasted. I like it when my mind uses logic to kick my butt.
Of course, I make mistakes a long the way as well. Pushing too hard. Or not pushing hard enough. [I am talking about training here..so keep your mind out of the gutter]. There is always feedback. Sometimes it is hard to tell but sometimes the best way to learn is to stumble.
Tomorrow, I will be riding up with Darren. He just told me he picked a good route with some steep climbs. I better make sure I bring an extra pair of legs in case mine fell off :). It will be good to ride with him and learn from him. Despite having some stomach issues and dizziness, he had a decent finish of IMUSA last year.
The Sat after, I am going to meet up with Will for a ride. I had been conversing with him over MSN for a number of months. Funny man. I just hope he doesn't whip me too much.
I saw the video clips of my bike position. My arms are leaning far too forward. Need a shorter stem for sure. Upload those this weekend.
VERY neat post about the signals :)
"Stumbling is confidence" ~Switchfoot
I love the Seinfeld quote. Such a great show. Have fun on your ride this weekend. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Take this from a old man...
Sometimes I still wonder what would happen if I had acted on the signals I think a special someone was sending me MANY years ago, but I have NEVER once wondered what would have happened if I did not ACT. Be BRAVE - nature abhores a vacuum... and shy men. :D
Oh and great photo on the bike. I can't tell for sure from the angle, but it looks like you are a bit stretched out on the aero position? Looking forward to more shots and the video!
Oh and I should probably also apologise to all the shy men out there for my last comment. :)
Re: signals Cliff, Go for it. Much worse to be in the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" camp right?!
Looking forward to seeing your bike clips posted.
I agree with Mike. Go for it.
I have a very hard time picturing you as shy!!
Life is short, you gotta go for it!!
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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