Last Fri after work, went over to my friend's place. He is a great photographer and he needs some practice. Of course, this is a great opportunity to get some bike porn :). I couldn't resist.
I have him took a few side pics of my riding position. We also got a video of me goign 140 RPM. Will upload those later this week.
I haven't post for a while. I know. Things are busy just like everyone else. I really want to post some thoughts from Sun Service. My Pastor was talking about Jesus telling Peter to go spread the Gospel. Something that really hit me and relate quite well with training. Will whip that one up later.
As for training go, building the aerobic engine is non-stop. I am in my Week 2 of my Base 4 period. I figure my base is getting pretty big. I plan on going for a 5 hr bike + 20 min run this Sat. Each week, I have two 2 hr+ runs (Wed and Sun). I am trying to squeeze in 5 swim sessions this week. If I have to do an Ironman this year, I will be ready. But I will wait until next year. I don't have a tri bike yet and there is still a lot of skills I need to improve on.
Monday, I swam for 1 km. It took me 22-23 min. Not too bad. I had to swim 20 laps to get 1 km. There were a few ppl stopping in the middle of the pool. I got a bit ticked off. I was rude. I jumped to the next lane or cut right between them. Sorry. I need to get my swimming done. No excuse.
On lap 10, there was this guy that I see regularly in the pool. He was behind me the whole time. I thought, 'odd, how can he keep up with me? He normally doesn't swim that fast.' My ego side wanted to push harder. But by lap 15, I decided to keep a steady pace and wait for him to pass. He didn't. I noticed he was using a pull. After a while I realized he wasn't swimming no more. He normally didn't get out of the water so early....maybe he was intimidated by me?
This morning I had a killer run. Plan was to go 40' easy, 40' med, 50' hard. Instead, I went 5' WU, 40' easy, 40' med, 40' hard. As always, the last 40' was brutal. Even in the easy 40', my mind was already saying 'woah, you should slow down. Your legs are tired already.' I knew he was lying b/c this type of run suppose to hurt. If it doesn't hurt, at least feel very very VERY uncomfortable. Since yesterday I only did bike drills (aka water bottle pick up so I can join the circus), my body have the capacity to handle this kind of stress.
Half way through the hard pace, my stomach was giving me trouble. I just beared with it. Without focusing on my pace, I slowed down. Then I crank it up to the next gear and pushed to the end.
I had a dental appointment this morning (another teeth scaling session). When the technician was busy picking and scrapping my teeth, I was so tired I dozed off. I received this cool gadget that help me to floss my teeth without using my fingers. Cool stuff. Will see the dentist in one month to see how my teeth cleaning is before they operate on me.
Eye is gettting better. This Fri, eye exam. Should be fine.
After months of training, I am getting handle to the daily preparation for next day's training. There is less (or none) occurence of "oh I forgot to bring XYZ gear. Can't train today."
May is here and the tulip is out...go ahead and enjoy them. I actually have sometime set aside for social stuff. Good...I let my body recover and enjoy time with friends.. :)...
Great post Cliff.
I hope to get out with you for a long ride soon!
Way to go on the swim too! Big improvement there.
Oh my gosh!! I totally love it!!
That is a great photo, you just look fantastic!
Very cool picture!!! :)
You look like a professional Cliff.
Dude- nice GQ bike shot!;-)
Glad to hear you are pushing the volume without any issues...my two cents are to keep the big hours focused on the bike. Definitely the best way to build overall aerobic capacity. My legs get tired just thinking of your twice weekly long runs- be careful with those Cliff!
That is one seriously cool picture! You could post that to a magazine.
What a cool photo. I can't wait to see the rest and the video. 140 RPM?! Holy cow!
great photo, great post!
Great photo Cliff!
check you out- cycling stud
Great photo. Post some more.
You would intimidate me too!! Great photo!!!
cool photo Cliff! Glad to hear that your eye is getting better.
Send me out some "cliff bars" when you order your next batch!
cheers mate
Great post!! Cool pics!!
Very cool photo!! Your friend did a great job.
Enjoy the time with your friends!
Rockin'! You are a training machine!
That picture is totally cool.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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