Friday, March 17, 2006

Name name....the frustration...

Been thinking about this at work....

It is not easy, I tell you. Give me swim drills, give me 4-5 hr bike ride, give me 3 hr runs. I can handle those. But think of a name. Oh the stress. Where is my beer :)...

So I have talked to a few friends. As the title of my blog, my faith is very important to me. On the other hand, I really want to promote being a Cancer survivor as well.

Thanks you guys for the comments.

I really like Christian Triathlete b/c the domain name ( is available. If i put that on my jersey, i can put the website right below it. Nice and simple. Then I miss out on being a Cancer Survivor.

I was talking to Will this morning and he came up with this =>

That is also availabe too and it says everything I need to say. I just hope it ain't too long. :D

I also like the name "2Hot4U". I think i can get a domain name for that as well. And imagine when you are in the last mile and they boardcast "Here comes 2HOT4U from Mississauga, Ontario. That's right ladies. He is single and available too." :D hahahaha..

Too much stress i tell u. No green beer until I do my hill training and my swim drill tonight.

Have a great weekend....the name dilenma continues....


William said...

I vote

It's amazing it's available. DO IT!

Anonymous said...

I like the as well, however, the longer version, well it may be a bit too long.

*jeanne* said...

I like whatever YOU like! They ALL rock!

Happy St. Pat's!


Mike said...

ditto on the vote for and easy to remember....I can see your dilemma about getting in the cancer survivor theme as well though....
hmmm...bit on the long side too...i don't know...tough call Cliff- I'm sure you'll get it right though

Kewl Nitrox said...

I say focus on the Christian part and leave out the Cancer part. That can come as part of your testimony - denying cancer and living a full life in the Lord.

Kewl Nitrox said...

Oh, and don't just think and brain storm and ask friends. PRAY about it (if you haven't already). :)

"If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind." James 1:5-6 (New Living Translation)

Battman said...

Whatever the name, it will still inspire.

Tammy said...

"Christian Survivor" ?

Or just come up with something that tells your state of mind, like I did. You don't need to label yourself, you are more than the sum of your parts :))

Migofast said...

"Christian Suvivor" is a funny name makes me try and think of lyrics to change Eye of the Tiger into a Christian rock song ;)

Papa Louie said...

As kewl said pray and pay attention to your heart where you have life and peace. The Lord does speak through His Word and thru men.
My opinion:
Peace brother!

Rae said...

Hmmm, that is a tough one. It needs to be short enough that ppl can remember it to check out your site later, but also get across all the things you want. I'm going to have to think about this!