Sorry guys, no videos yet. I left my digicam at home and comp is still not fix yet. I do die for not going on the net (blogging). But it frees me a lot of time to train and what not.
Last week was my recovery week and this is what i have done:
Mon - swim 30 min
Tues - swim 52 min, weights 40 min
Wed - long run 2 hr
Thurs - nothing
Sat - bike 3 hr
Total time ~ 7 hours. That's nothing. But it was my recovery week and it was quite chaotic so I let it past. I did got my long swim, long bike and long run in. Everything else, I let it slide.
Entering into my 3rd base period and there will be no more sliding. Time to get things done. No more worry about the future. The future is God's job. He take care of my path. I just make sure I take that step forward, one at a time. No more rumbling about getting stuck in traffic after work. Going to stay in the office, do some resume sending and reading and go back home when the highway is free-er. No more trying to play catch up with my Fellowship. Going to be proactive and get things done early.
Last night I didn't feel like swimming or hill runs. My dentist was tapping on my teeth on Sat and yesterday they were hurting. It is more aches than actual pains. I took a nap from 3-5 pm after Church. Woke up, debated about staying in bed. Then head off to the pool.
Surprise, the swimming classes were over and there were three people in the pool. I had a lane all to myself. Sweet :). Afterwards, hill runs. I was really holding back from doing them b/c I wasn't sure if my new shoes can handle the stress. I ran the hill five times. First two times, I took it slow. By the third loop, I had to MAN UP. The hill is actually a valley, one side of the valley is steeper than the other side. The steeper side, I broke it down into three parts. The first third, I kept it steady. The second third, I increase my cadence. The last third, I let it rip. By the fifth lap, I was tired. Good.
More teeth pain. Frustrated.....instead of taking an aspirin, I went to grab some ice cream....I justify it that I rather have a "natural remedy" than put medicine into my body :D..right.. woohoo Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk. Yeah it was fattening. 1200 calories in pint size and I chug it down. I had it all over my shirt and my pants too. Yup, that's my 5% for the week and it was all good. Teeth this morning ain't hurting no more. :)..so it worked. Next time I will try beer :).
Cliff's natural remedy to pain and aches = beer and/or ice cream :D...
"1200 calories and I had it all over my shirt & pants, too." Geez, Cliff! Now you're starting to LOOK like Homey! Now that woudl be a picture...side by side you & Bart chuggin' down the NY Super Fudge Chunk. NOTE: That woudl be used at a later time by someone out there to blackmail you, so be careful.
Nice remedy there! I'll have to keep that in mind next time.
That's some real workouts, good job.
It's so nice when you find that secret time and no one is around and you have everything almost to yourself.
Good on the hills.
I vote for the beer- ice cream just doesn't do it for me. On second thought, I vote for Wild Turkey.
"Cliff's natural remedy to pain and aches = beer and/or ice cream :D..."
Now that's my kinda remedy! Pass the beer and ice cream!
"Here's to alcohol: The cause of ... and answer to all of life's problems"
- Homer J Simpson
oh loved that post. 1200 calories, man o man that must have tasted good. In arizona they call it 'Cowboy Up' same as your Man up.
Man. All that dental work and already hitting the pool! I would be sleeping! Maybe spinning on the trainer won't jostle your teeth too much? I imagine running would be torture.
P.S. Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk is irresistable and evil. I mean, just say the name...New York Super Fudge Chunk. As Homer Simpson would say, "Aaarrrrllgh."
I think I just gained a few pounds by reading about your ice cream!
Mmmmm! I love B&Jerry ice cream!!
Great job with the workouts, glad you enjoyed your recovery week!!
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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