But afterwards, I am glad I went. Once in a while, I do need a "S"ocial Race to relax me. Who knows that running can be so much fun. Especially when u run with a friend. Also especially when you see your friend from a non runner converted to a hard core runner :).
The race started at 10 am and I didn't left my house till 9 am. The drive was about 30 min. There were a lot of runners. Not a cloud in sight and about zero degrees Celcius (about 24*F). It wasn't too windy. The weather was perfect.

We started at the middle of the pack. In the first few kms, I didn't feel like running. I am sure Anners felt the same thing. I could tell by the fact that we were running at a very slow pace. After 5 km mark, things started to speed up. I guessed my body got warm up and things moved along.
We were running at about 6:15-6:30 min/km. It was a very comfy pace for me. My HR hovered around low 150s. Here are some memorable moments along the race:

- early in the run, we were surrounded by ladies, Anner's commented were: "Ain't u lucky..u are the only guy here"
- discussed that to train for this 1/2 marathon, I first did a marathon before. Since this is also my 1/2 mara, any time I finish, I would get a PR :) ..what if I run slower than my Marathon time :D
- told Anners not to throw the cups on the ground and held them in my hand until I found a trash can
- saw a tailess squirrel
- there was a cat at the side of the street, I went over and gave it a pat and kept running
- saw a man with a IMC cap. He looked like in his 60-70s and he has done Haiwaii 4-5 times. Impressive.
- asked the volunteers if they have any chili :D
- started off slow and by last 1/2 we were passing a lot of people. We were zooming by everyone. All this zooming around for sure added another km :P...
In the last few hundred meters, we kinda give it all. I didn't feel like it. My legs were moving faster and me and her were zipping by everyone. It was funny, for a second there we bumped into each other.
We finished the race in 2 hr 18 min. Not too bad. I think Anner's PR for 1/2 Mara was 2 hr 12 min. I asked later and found her she was giving about 80%. I told her imagined if she give it all on that course, she would have beat her PR for sure. My point wasn't to tell her she should have pushed it. My point was that it is a sign that her aerobic base is improving.
We went to get chili after. The weather was cold once i stopped moving. Afterwards, I went back to get my second fill of chili and Anners and her b/f went home. Too bad, b/c they were giving away door prizes. I got a 20 dollar gift card for Running Room. Sweet, now i can use that to buy new shoes. And I also got a free meal. No complain :)
The time for the first place in my AG is 1:10. I don't think I can get up to that. But the third place is 1:20. I am a bit excited b/c I can see myself running a 1:30 1/2 mara. And from 1:30 to 1:20 is just 10 min away. Of course, right now, the focus is building my aerobic base and getting the mechanic right.
I won't see Anners until the Mississauga marathon. I would be running the last 21 km with her. My next "S"ocial race is Around The Bay. My friend, Melissa, is doing a relay. So I will run with her. I also know Will and Jon are also doing it as well. Today at the pool, I keep on thinking that I can't wait when I do another "S" race again.
All in all..it is a fun day...I leave you with homey with too much mocha shots..just like me during my long runs :D

Nice report CLiff....nice pics too...brrrr - looks cold with all those layers and fleece hats!
can't believe a 1/2 marathon is like a training run for you! impressive!
Thanks for the great run and great company, Cliff! See ya next time...Mississauga!
Great job! :) Looks like fun!
Nice race/training report! Nice of you to hold the cups for anners. Sounds like you had a fun run together.
That Homer!! Duhhhhhhhh
Congrats on your race...you look fantastic!!
NIce run and nice race report. That is one very cool looking finisher's medal. I hope that thing is on display somewhere at work!
Nice report, sounds like you had a good race! :-)
You had chili and no BEER? Hmmmmm, that isn't the Cliff I know.
Glad you had fun with Anners, you are getting more social by the day! Good work!
Nice recap and pictures! It doesn't look that cold from the pics. :) Great job to you both!
awwe awesome race photos! Isn't it fun coming in faster than you went out?
Hey Cliff, glad to see someone post a local photo. Great post!
Now I am going to have to use the 'S' race to define future hohum races. Good term.
No for some reason I must go eat Chili.
sounds like you guys had a blast! I love the homer shots :)
Great S race!!! Looked like a lot of fun.
Looks like you had a lot of fun an the half - well done. It might strengthen your mind when running in future
Great run! Sounds like you had a great time...that's what it's all about. Love the pix of Homer...funny!
Very nice run there!!
Wish I could come one year to see you running when you pass by... don't think I could catch your pace.
nice race! they're the perfect length--you can really push yourself, but you won't ever be in THAT much pain. :)
awesome medal!
Very cool medals! -1C? C'mon you sissy! :)
Nice job on the Half, Cliff! And good to see you had lots of fun, too! Pictures confirm that you look like you guys had a good time. THAT IS IMPORTANT! I think I saw homey in the back of one of thos pics, too, pick pocketing those mocha shots off a runner.
Ha! Great job on the race, I love all the pictures, esp Homer! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and that's really what all this training boils down to. Maybe one day we'll get to do a run together!!
My husband Jamie LOVES Homer. (and James Bond. And The Beatles.)
Good race, good report.
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