Oh what a day yesterday was. My appointment was at 2:30 pm. First I waited outside for an hour. Then they brought me to a waiting room where we have to change into a gown and wait for another hour. By the time I was done, it was 5:30 pm. 10 hours of no eating. Oh the humanity.
I finished reading the Paleo Diet (review is on its way) during the wait time and at the end Joe was saying u should follow a 95-5 diet. 95% u can eat base on the diet and 5% u can eat anything you want. Well after the ultrasound, there was much celebration. I ordered a chicken burger, fries and orange soda. It taste good. My stomach nag me for feeding it so much grease. But my brain thank me for giving it some junk food.
Yesterday I realize I am gall bladderless. I was talking to the person doing the ultrasound and saying how they suspect i have gall bladder stone. He said "what you have no gall bladder". I didn't realize that. They must have taken it out when I had my operation 15 years ago.
What does this mean? Well, all the people trying to make their bike as light as possible should have remove non-important organs. Appendix, gall bladders, we don't need those and can save us bundles of grams (grasp!).

Holy crap. I just did a search on the net and find a pic of a gall stone. Ohh. Thank God I have no gall bladder.
One more note: The transplant coordinator told me there is nothing I can do in terms of diet that can make my liver number change. Hmm...will look into that.
Heheheh Cliff, I'm gallbladderless too, welcome to the club. Wanna compare scars? No? Well ok. Must be very very difficult to develop a gallstone without a gallbladder, how did you manage that? ;)
Ick...that is gross. Maybe I should post a pic of my kidney stone when I pass it???
Whoa....almost hurled there! Maybe I don't want my gall bladder, either! hee hee
My liver enzymes are also high for no apparent reason. The bad part is that if you go for a life insurance test they assume that you are an alcaholic. I don't even drink. This throws up another flag. Ahhh, a closet drinker. I have lowered my numbers with exercise. Good Luck.
The King
I just found out I have high triglcerides. But they checked and found out I have no glercides, only tri's. But the the tri in me was pretty strong so they let it pass.
You may have been robbed in your sleep Cliff.
hmmm interesting. Is that one of the organs we have that really does nothing?
Yup organ that does nothing. Just like my brain ;D
i've got your gall bladder.
how much will you pay me to get it back?
10 hours with no food, should had been terrible, I eat every hour... well almost... also lots of time spent at the hospital!
Thanks for the advise, I already checked the page and I will practice that.
oh my. i think i could have lived without seeing a gallstone. ;-)
but i feel reassured knowing that if i ever am gallbladderless, i am not alone
Ten hours with no food, torturing yourself in the meantime with a book about food? Wow. You da man!
I'm not surprised you don't have a gallbladder. It sort of nestles in an indentation in the liver, and if memory serves, it's attached to the liver with various ducts. So if they took out your liver, I could see taking out the gallbladder, too.
But Flatman has nothing to worry about. Kidney stones aren't gross like gallstones. My husband's kidney stone looked like a BB. Totally anticlimactic. For all the pain he went through, we wanted to see him expel a dinner plate, dammit! :D
What is a gallbladder even supposed to do? I vaguely remember it having something to do with bile, but I have no idea what?
That lunch of yours sounds good! It's making me hungry! :)
10 hours with no food, ick!! Maybe I should have my GB out so I can weigh less!
Enjoyed a lot!
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