I have been tracking my bike toys ever I have bought it from Performancebike.com (http://www.performancebike.com/). I saw it pass from point to point. Getting ever closer to my
So I rush over to grab it at Fedex's warehouse. Sweet...


From left to right: Cage Aqua Rack, Aero Drink,
Aero Bottle Adapter (top), Cat Eye Aerobar Adapter
Notice they are all from Profile Design. Hmm..sponsorship? :D hahaha.Aero Bottle Adapter (top), Cat Eye Aerobar Adapter
No chance to play with my toys tonight. It is 1:34 am already.
My friend is sending my resume to his HR department tomorrow and so now I am up finishing up my resume. Will I get an interview on my first resume submission? Woah, it will definitely be a miracle if I do. :)
New toys - very nice, and what's better they will be really useful.
Good luck with the resume and I hope the ultrasound goes ok.
Nice toys. Lets see them on the bike!
Oooh, nice, I WANT!! Actually, I want aerobars that adjust fore-and-aft so I can get them short enough for me.
Sweet stuff! Congratulations and good luck with the interview!
That's some seriously nice stuff. Agreeing with William, now let's see it on the bike!
Good luck with the resume, I hope it'll turn out great & land you an interview!
Idiot update..
I bounce my email to my friend. He send it back to me. I mispell Extra Curricular.
Great friend.....me idiot :)..
I'm with William, let's see them on the bike. Actually you hit on another advantage of twin aero bars versus the one bar design (like mine) - aero bottle! :)
How are those things going to help you stay afloat in the pool? ;-)
Lucky you!
I bet they call you as soon as they get your resume!
Awesome toys! Like Christmas all over again! :)
You got the hook up!!! How exciting!
All those toys!!! Lovely.
I'm getting some today... the thing is that this cristmas hasn't ended for the athletes.
Nice looking gear, Cliff. I love my PD aero-bars and drink bottle. Once you get used to them you'll wonder how you ever rode without them.
ooh fun new toys!
That's the best part of being an adult. You can make it Christmas anytime you want to. :)
Congrats on the new toys!
Woooohhooooo look at all those new toys! Have fun installing them and playing with them!
Cool toys!! Good luck with your resume!
Keep up the good work » » »
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