This happened on Sat when I went to have my LT measured. A weird experience indeed. After I had my LT tested, my friend and I went back to the locker.
My locker was half open. Odd. My clothes were hang on hooks before. Now they were in a pile. I checked my wallet, mp3 player, cell phone. All here. Only my lock was missing.
A blessing in disguise? But why would anyone steal my lock and leave my valuable behind? Strange huh? My only explanation is that someone forgot his combo and went to ask for help to cut his lock. They cut my lock by mistake....maybe the theft had good taste and realize all my 'valuable' is junk :).
Did 40 min swim drill today. Tonight going to rent Star War III and biked with it.

Last night, Elaine, from my Fellowship, told me there was a bird in her house. Why would anyone let a bird into their house? Hahahaha....so I went over and helped her out. It was a brown bird. Like a sparrow but much bigger. I trapped it in the bathtub, threw a towel over it and released it outside. It was fun. Elaine was freaked out. I love small critters...the bird was lucky not to trap in my house. My cats will have a field day over it.
Wow, strange about the lock(er)... I like your solution though... YOu would do well with Clue.
Yay! for the bird rescuer... :)
thank God your valuables weren't stolen :)
You are a very strong swimmer!!
The real luck was that nobody else -besides that one who broke the lock- open it after!!
Sorry to hear about your lock loss. And congrats on freeing a scared little bird. Someday I may have to post about the time my in-laws had a bat inside their house! He, too, was freed unharmed.
You might make sure the person didn't take one credit card and leave the rest. It's been known to happen. It buys the thief time to make charges before the person cancels the card. Just a thought. Better safe than sorry.
I had a similar bird experience at work. I used to work for an agency that handles nuissance wildlife calls. I walked into this ladies house and the brd was flying 100 mph in every direction. They tried for hours to catch it with no luck. I was wondering what I'd be able to do if they couldn't figure it out. So I went right at it, the bird flew right past me, and with one hand, I snagged it out of the air. I was in the house for about ten seconds. They must have thought I was a real pro. Nope, just lucky. I played it off like I did it all the time. "Have a nice day mam", in a deep voice. It was pretty sweet.
Bummer you have to buy a new lock, but I'm glad to hear nothing was stolen.
And that's so cool you were able to rescue the bird!
Have a great ride tonight~
Wow...soo many comments.
Wow...soo many white friends.
Weird about the lock ~ Lucky that nothing was stolen!
Nice job w/the bird. I need to post a photo of my birds.....yes they are in my house!
Better a bird than a raccoon! Although I must say the raccoon that was in my chimney was a rather nice and mellow one. He didn't even hiss once. :)
I once had a bird fly into my classroom. Bird + 28 freshman = panic. We managed to construct a bird-rescuing contraption out of paper and a map somehow!
Strange about your lock! Glad it worked out OK!
My husband, a former cop, says if your wallet is stolen, look in nearby trash cans. A thief will not want to get caught with it on him and will probably ditch it after taking your money and/or credit cards. Chances are at least your driver's license will still be in it... at least that's something. I'm glad you didn't lose anything.
We lived for several years in an old farmhouse where birds and bats inside were a fairly regular occurrence. I remember our 7-yr-old daughter calling out in the middle of the night in a sleepy, bored voice (not screaming, just sleepy, bored, and annoyed) "Mom....there's a bat in my room...." in the way she might have called, "Mom, I'm cold...."
i had a bird fly into my house when i was a kid. freaked me out. finally had to catch it in a pillow case.
that bird was lucky. my cats were licking their chops.
had the same scenario... except, i realized i had done my entire workout, and just left my locker wide open!
We used to prop the screen of my upstairs bedroom window open at night, so the cats could climb up the apple tree and into the house instead of howling outside the kitchen door whenever they wanted to come in. But one of our cats got VERY good at chasing bats, and would carry them, still flapping and making strange little clicking sounds, into bed with me...odd to wake up to a cat playing "cat and mouse" with a BAT on the end of your bed at night...
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