6:30 am - got up
7:15 am - 8 am - swim
9:00 am - 5:15 pm - work
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - jog
7:42 pm (right now) - 9:30 pm - work part II
9:30 pm - 10 pm - Church presentation
Thanks for the concern Benny, I am just a bit busy at the moment. Gotta hammer this database out for the warehouse. I have a Joint Fellowship Event on Friday in which I am in charge of the ending. Need to write some Xmas cards for ppl for tomorrow. Madness I am telling you :). Good thing I have no big plans next week. I really want to spend more of my time to train. Drill drill drill...
This morning at the pool, I am bumping into everyone :). I worked on my kicks. Lie on my back and kick away. I am tired after a length. I figure my legs are just tired from the kicking drills almost everyday in the pool. Tommorrow, I will work on other drills (roll to the side, extend arm under the water).

Today for the run I spent a lot of time on getting my cadence up. One minute, focus on 180 steps per minute. Then rest until my HR goes back down. Then again. This drill is fun. Time goes by so fast.
Nancy is evil :). I didn't realize what she meant until I read Jen's comment (check out last post's comments). EVIL......in a funny way :D
hang in there cliff, God is watching you :)
Sounded entirely normal to me - but then a lot of my work colleagues think I'm nuts!
By the way, chocolate is good! Think of it as your friend!
I'm sorry. It is true. Nancy *is* evil.
That sounds like a tough long day to me!
Hey Cliff, that's nothing! Check out this Gem that Nancy left during the summer:
Hey Cliff, that's nothing! Check out this Gem that Nancy left during the summer:
Hey Cliff,
I found a fellow tri blogger that you might relate with. Give her a shout. She's a newbie and needs encouragement.
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