This week is great. I am taking Friday off b/c I am dropping my friend at the airport in the afternoon. I am going to spend the morning doing drills. I will do as much as my body can take. Since the drills are more technique and less physical. I figure I can get 3-4 hours before my body gives.
I am going to do the same on Sat morning as well.
IronBenny mentioned about his swim trunks getting eat up by chlorine. Well I bought a pair last month and the chlorine already ate most of it. The rear part is becoming increasing transparent.
I am swimming again tomorrow morning. I will wear them until they break in two. Let's hope that it won't split during my drills. Or else I will be nice eye candy for the grannies and grandpas (and maybe the life guard).
IronBenny, thanks for advising to do some workout. I just came back from the gym tonight. Didn't even broke a sweat. I am definitely out of shape.

I love a quiet and relaxing Xmas.
Taking your trainer to a movie night, that's brilliant.
Get some polyester trunks. Lycra has a bad habit of disappearing.
Hey Cliff,
Funny you mention the swim suit thing. Nytro and I were at the pool the other day working on some drills and she saw my swim suit for the first time in a long while. I didn't notice but it used to be black. Now, it is brown and the ass is wearing out again. I need a new one but the store is 45 minutes away. All well, like you said, just more eye candy for the grannies. Take care and keep up the good work on the drills. I really felt it all coming together when I was doing the zipper switches. Don't rush it though, be sure you MASTER every drill. You'll be better in the end for it. You da man.
3-4 hours of drills is a lot...
... respect
Nice job on the drills! I HATE doing drills, and thus, pretty much never do them. Even though I should. I am thinking of taking a stroke clinic in Jan. that my gym is offering. I figured one could always stand to get their stroke analyzed.
Can I also just say that I LOVE Anne of Green Gables, and Megan Follows!!! Have a great Christmas, Cliff!
Good work in that pool. Keep it going
Hey, nothing wrong with Anne! Good for you! The world needs more of you :)
I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. Nytro and I have even had a Anne marathon watching all the movies in one day. Good times.
Okay, I'll go ahead and say it...I freaking love Anne of Green Gables. Read all the books as a kid and loved the movies. Haven't seen them in a while though...but my buddy who had a girl last August named her Anne because she loved the movie so much as a kid!!!
I'm a granny... where do you swim? :-D
1:45 of drills! That's pretty impressive! I'd never last that long.
Here is to hoping that your shorts stay together. :)
Semi-transparent trunks - that's a badge of honour isn't it? ;)
I LOVE that movie!!! You get lots of brownie points for watching it. :)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I always watch it around this time of year. Perhaps this is why I haven't gotten in the Christmas spirit yet? Not that it has anything to do with Christmas, but it's a tradition of mine. And, you've inspired me to rent it and watch it on my trainer.
Do you buy chlorine resistant swimming trunks - they last a lot longer.
Have a happy and safe Christmas and a wonderful new year.
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