Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Next Stop, Australia!

Hey everyone.

I am leaving to Australia next Thursday for the Transplant Games. Earlier the month, I received a few shirts for the games. I was very touch when I see the red jacket with Canada etch in the back.

I cannot believe I will be representating Canada. I am honor and grateful at the same time. I have been speaking with our team leader and soon I will be joining them and among many of those who had transplants around the world to race and celebrate life.

To be honest, I didn't think too much about the games. As you know, I am a triathlete by heart. Yet, as the days I am planning, filling out forms and taking care of all the logistics, this is pretty big.

I would love to say I want to go for a medal. There is something more than that. Slowly, I am going back to thinking, wow my liver transplant is really something. A gift and a miracle indeed.

So back to the games....I am participating in 5 km run, 5 km bike time trial and 20 km bike race. The team asked me to join 50 m freestyle relay team and 4 x 100 m sprint.

I will be going out all out. Simply because I can. And there are many who cannot....

Thanks for reading...I have something in store to show you guys before I go :O)



Anonymous said...

Compete. Have fun. Celebrate!!!

And I'm so pleased to hear you'll swim relays. You'll have a blast!

Thomas said...

That's amazing! Enjoy the event as much as you can.

William said...

Whoa, the bike race will be fun for sure.

Good luck Cliff!!!

Steven said...

Best of luck, Cliff.
Enjoy safe travels and have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you will be busy. I know this will be a life impacting experience. Lots of lessons to be learned and stories to tell. Wish you all the best.

Michael said...

Good luck Cliff, and enjoy yourself. I'll be thinking of you!

Unknown said...

What an amazing opportunity. Congrats Cliff and enjoy it as much as you can!


Brent Buckner said...

Go all out.
Soak it all in!

ShirleyPerly said...

What a great opportunity to represent your country and all those who have received priceless gifts. Best of luck, Cliff!

Rachel said...

Congrats! Have fun! What an honor.